Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/505

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TREATY WITII THE OTTAWAS, ETC. 1836. 495 attended the treaty of Greenville in 1793, and is now, at a very advanced age, reduced to extreme want, together with his wife, and the Government being apprized that he has pleaded a promise of Gen. Wayne, in his behalf, it is agreed that Chusco of Michilimackinac shall receive an annuity of fifty dollars per annum during his natural life. Amrcnn Tw1cr.·r1r. All expenses attending the journies of the Indians Expen es of from, and to their homes, and their visit at the seat of Government, this **6*%*0 b¤ together with the expenses of the treaty, including a proper quantity of pm by 'S' clothing to be given them, will be paid by the United States. Arvrrcnu Turnrnnmu. The Indians stipulate for the right of hunt- Right ofhunting on the lands ceded, with the other usual privileges of occupancy, lng °¤ l¤¤¤l¤ until the land is required for settlement. °°d"d· In testimony whereof, the said Henry R. Schoolcrafi, commissioner on the part of the United States, and the chiefs and delegates of the Ottawa and Chippewa nations of Indians have hereunto set their hands, at Washington, the seat of Government, this twenty- eighth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT. Oroun Aishkum, of Maskigo, Kawgayosh, of Sault Ste. Marie, Wnssangazo, of do. by Maidosagee, Osawya, of do. Apawkozigun, of L’Arbre Croche, Wabi Windego, of Grand river, Keminitchagun, of do. Megiss Ininee, of do. Tawaganee, of do. Nabun Ageezhig, of dc. Kinoshamaig. of do, Winnimissagee, of do. Naganigobowa, of do. Mukutaysee, of do. Oniasino, of do. Wasaw Bequm, of do. Mukuday Benais, of do. Ainse, of Michilimackinac, Chingassamo, of do. Chabowaywa, of do. Aishquogouabee, of Grand Tra- J awbaWadiek, of Sault Ste. Marie, verse, Waub Ogeeg, of do. Akasa, of do. Oshawun Epenaysee, of do. John Hulbert, Secretary. Lucius Lyon. R. P. Parrott, Capt. U. S. Army, W. P. Zantzinger, Pnrser U. S. Navy. Josiah F. Polk. John Holiday. John A. Drew. Rix Robinson. Leonard Slater. Louis Moran. Augustin Hamelin, jr. Henry A. Levake. William Lasley. George W. Woodward. C. O. Ermatinger. To the Indian names are subjoinod marks. Schedule referred to, in the tenth article. I. The following chiefs constitute the first class, and are entitled to Chiefs entitled receive five hundred dollars each, namely: On Grand river, Muccutay *° $500 °“°h· Osha, Namatippy, Nawequa Geezhig or Noon Day, Nabun Egeezhig son of Kewayguabowequa, Wabi Windego or the White Giant, Cawpemossay or the Walker, Mukutay Oquot or Black Cloud, Megis Imnee or Wampum—man, Winnimissagee: on the Maskigo, Osawya, and Owun Aishcum; at L’Arbre Croche, Apawkozigun, or Smoking Weed, N isowakeout, Keminechawgun; at Grand Travers, Aishquagonabee, or the Feather of Honor, Chabwossun, Miken0k: on the Cheboigan, Chmgassamo, or the Big Sail; at Thunder-bay, Mujeekiwiss; on the Mamstic North, Mukons Ewyan ; at Oak Point on the straits, rims: at the Chenos, Chabowaywa: at Sault Ste. Marie, Iawba Wadick and Kewayzi Shawano; at Taoquimenon, Kawgayosh; at Grand Island, Oshawun Epenaysee, or the South Bird. 2. The following chiefs constitute the second class, and are entitled Chg? entitled $0 receive two hundred dollars each, namely: On Grand river, Keesha- ’° 8 °“° ‘