Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/504

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494 TREATY WITH THE OTTAWAS, ETC. 1836. Locations tu ARTICLE Ercm-n. It is agreed, that as soon as the said Indians desire lm ¤°“€h;_ I0}'; it, a deputation shall be sent to the west of the Mississippi, and to the

""' country between Lake Superior and the Mississippi, and a suitable loca.

&.c,tion shall be provided for them, among the Chippewas, if they desire it, and it can be purchased upon reasonable terms, and if not, then in some portion of the country west of the Mississippi, which is at the disposal of the United States. Such improvements as add value to the land, hereby ceded, shall be appraised, and the amount paid to the proper Indian. But such payment shall, in no case, be assigned to, or paid to, a white man. If the church on the Cheboigan, should fall within this cession, the value shall be paid to the band owning it. The mission establishments upon the Grand river shall be appraised and the value paid to the proper boards. When the Indians wish it, the United States will remove them, at their expence, provide them a year’s subsistence in the country to which they go, and furnish the same articles and equipments to each person as are stipulated to be given to the AMG, P- 4~‘$r Pottowatomies in the final treaty of cession concluded at Chicago. Payment to ARTICLE N INT11. Whereas the Ottawas and Chippewas, feeling a l1:¤lI·b;¢¤d$i¤ strong consideration for aid rendered by certain of their halfibreeds on ,,2:,; ’°S°"°' Grand river, and other parts of the country ceded, and wishing to testify their gratitude on the present occasion, have assigned such individuals certain locations of land, and united in a strong appeal for the allowance of the same in this treaty ; and whereas no such reservations can be permitted in carrying out the special directions of the President on this subject, it is agreed, that, in addition to the general fund set apart for halfibreed claims, in the sixth article, the sum of forty-eight thousand one hundred and forty-eight dollars shall be paid for the extinguishment of this class of claims, to be divided in the following manner: To Rix Robinson, in lieu of a section of land, granted to his Indian family, on the Grand river rapids, (estimated by good judges to be worth half a million,) at the rate of thirty-six dollars an acre: To Leonard Slater, in trust for Chiminonoquat, for a section of land above said rapids, at the rate of ten dollars an acre: To John A. Drew, for a tract of one section and three quarters, to his Indian family, at Cheboigan rapids, at the rate of four dollars ; to Edward Biddle, for one section to his Indian family at the fishing grounds, at the rate of three dollars: To John Holiday,for live sections of land to five persons of his Indian family, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents; to Eliza Cook, Sophia Biddle, and Mary Holiday, one section of land each, at two dollars and fifty cents: To Augustin Hamelin junr, being of Indian descent, two sections, at one dollar and twenty-tive cents; to William Lasley, Joseph Daily, Joseph Trotier, Henry A. Levake, for two sections each, for their Indian families, at one dollar and twenty-five cents: To Luther Rice, Joseph Lafrombois, Charles Butterfield, being of Indian descent, and to George Moran, Louis Moran, G. D. Williams, for haliibreed children under their care, and to Daniel Marsac, for his Indian child, one section each, at one dollar and twenty-five cents. Pa mm ,0 Arvrronn Tmrrn. The sum of thirty thousand dollars shall be paid to cmeé, the chiefs, on the ratification of this treaty, to be divided agreeably to a schedule hereunto annexed. Annuigjeggo Anucnm EL¤v1rN·1·H. The Ottowas having consideration for one of two aged chiefs. their aged chiefs, who is reduced to poverty, and it being known that he was a firm friend of the American Government, in that quarter, during the late war, and suffered much in consequence of his sentiments, it is agreed, that an annuity of one hundred dollars per annum shall be paid to Ningweegon or the Wing, during his natural life, in money or goods, as he may choose. Another of the chiefs of said nation, who