Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/1230

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[75 Stat. 1190]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 1190]



Education, Office of—Continued ^'^s^ National Defense Education Act of 1958—Continued Appropriation for grants and loans under 596 School construction in federally affected areas, extension; increased funds authorized 596, 759 School districts, appropriation for payments.._ 23, 595, 735 Vocational education. See under Education. War Orphans Educational Assistance Act of 1956, time extension for certain benefits under 806 Educational Exchange, United States Advisory Commission on, r e p l a c e m e n t.. 532 Effigy Mounds National Monument, Iowa, land addition 88 Electron Microscopes, duty-free importation 214 Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendment, loans to farmers by land b a n k commissioners, repeal of certain provisions 773 Emergency Planning, Office of, designation (formerly Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) 630 Employees' Compensation, Bureau of, claims for certain disability or death cases of National Guard 507 Employees Compensation Appeals Board, appropriation for 592 Employment Act of 1946, Amendment, Council of Economic Advisers, salary ceiling 93 Employment Security, Bureau of, appropriation for 38 Engineers, Corps of: Appropriation for 722 Beach erosion control project, Oceanside, San Diego County, Calif., authorization 18 Civil functions, appropriation for 722 Contracts with United States, military installations, supervision 109 Duluth-Superior Harbor, Minn., and Wis., modification of project 816 Flood control. See separate title. Reservoir projects in Texas, time extension for land reconveyance to former owners 814 Rivers and harbors. See separate title. Water quality control, surveys for storage 204


Engineers, Corps of—Continued ^^^® Water Supply Act of 1958, amendment, payment of construction costs, agreements 210 Espionage and Censorship Laws, expansion of scope to acts committed in foreign countries 795 EURATOM Cooperation Act of 1958, Amendments: Damages, liabilities 479 Fuel element cost and life 479 Uranium 233 and plutonium, transfer, increase 479 European Fowl Pest, appropriation for eradication 228 Executive Office of the President, appropriation for 22, 34, 268, 342, 738 Export Control Act of 1949, appropriation for effecting provisions 272 Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, Amendment, insurance and guarantees, authorization 673 Export-Import Bank of Washington: Appropriation for 34, 145, 412, 720 Foreign currencies, loans m a d e by 446, 463

"Facts on Communism—Volume I, The Communist Ideology", printing of a d ditional copies 965 "Facts on Communism—Volume II, The Soviet Union, From Lenin to Khrushchev", printing of additional c o p i e s.. 961 Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938: Amendments— Agricultural handling and processing, exemptions, etc., studies and reports 75 American Samoa, application of amendments 67 Child labor provisions 70 Exemptions, studies and reports 71, 75 Foreign competition, investigations of effects on employment, reports 66 Maximum hours 69 Minimum wages 67 Penalties and injunction proceedings. 74 P u e r to Rico and Virgin Islands, special industry committees; wage orders 67, 70 Students, employment 74 Appropriation for effecting provisions.. 594 Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1961 65 "Fair Play for Cuba Committee", printing of additional copies of hearings 963 Fallout Shelters in Government Buildings, restriction on use of funds for 364