Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/671

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[75 Stat. 631]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 631]



PUBLIC LAW 87-297-SEPT. 26, 1961


Public Law 87-297 AN ACT

September 26, 1961 TH R 91 181

To establish a United States Arms Control and Disaruiament Agency. Be it enacted by the Seiiate mid House of Representatives United States of America in Congress assembled,

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1. This Act may be cited as the "Arms Control and Dis- Di^^a^^,^°AcT'^ armament Act". SECTION


SEC. 2. An ultimate goal of the United States is a world which is free from the scourge of war and the dangers and burdens of armaments; in which the use of force has been subordinated to the rule of law; and in which international adjustments to a changing world are achieved peacefully. I t is the purpose of this Act to provide impetus toward this goal by creating a new agency of peace to deal with the problem of reduction and control of armaments looking toward ultimate world disarmament. Arms control and disarmament policy, being an important aspect of foreign policy, must be consistent with national security policy as a whole. The formulation and implementation of United States arms control and disarmament policy in a manner which will promote the national security can best be insured by a central organization charged by statute with primary responsibility for this field. This organization must have such a position within the Government that it can provide the President, the Secretary of State, other officials of the executive branch, and the Congress with recommendations concerning United States arms control and disarmament policy, and can assess the effect of these recommendations upon our foreign policies, our national security policies, and our economy. This organization must have the capacity to provide the essential scientific, economic, political, military, psychological, and technological information upon which realistic arms control and disarmament policy must be based. It must be able to carry out the following primary functions: (a) The conduct, support, and coordination of research for arms control and disarmament policy formulation; (b) The preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; (c) The dissemination and coordination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; and (d) The preparation for, operation of, or as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. DEFINITIONS

SEC. 3. As used in this Act— (a) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" mean the identification, verification, inspection, limitation, control, reduction, or elimination, of armed forces and armaments of all kinds under international agreement including the necessary steps taken under such an agreement to establish an effective sytem of inter-