Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 75.djvu/90

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[75 Stat. 50]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1961
[75 Stat. 50]


"Redevelopment area."

P U B L I C LAW 87-27-MAY 1, 1961



such special studies, obtain such information, and compile and furnish to the Secretary such data as the Secretary may deem necessary or proper to enable him to make the determinations provided for in subsection (b) of this section. The Secretary shall reimburse when appropriate, out of any funds appropriated to carry out the purposes of this Act, the foregoing officers for any expenditures incurred by them under this section. (d) As used in this Act, the term "redevelopment area" refers to any area within the United States which has been designated by the Secretary as a redevelopment area. LOANS AND PARTICIPATIONS


SEC. 6. (a) The Secretary is authorized to purchase evidences of indebtedness and to make loans (which for purposes of this section shall include participations in loans) to aid in financing any project within a redevelopment area for the purchase or development of land and facilities (including, in cases of demonstrated need, machinery and equipment) for industrial or commercial usage, including the construction of new buildings, the rehabilitation of abandoned or unoccupied buildings, and the alteration, conversion, or enlargement of existing buildings. Such financial assistance shall not be extended (1) for working capital, or (2) to assist establishments relocating from one area to another. The limitation set forth in clause (2) shall not be construed to prohibit assistance for the expansion of an existing business entity through the establishment of a new branch, affiliate, or subsidiary of such entity if the Secretary finds that the establishment of such branch, affiliate, or subsidiary will not result in an increase in unemployment in the area of original location or in any othei' area where such entity conducts business operations, unless the Secretary has reason to believe that such branch, affiliate, or subsidiary is being established with the intention of closing down the operations of the existing business entity in the area of its original location or in any other area where it conducts such operations. (b) Financial assistance under this section shall be on such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines, subject, however, to the following restrictions and limitations: (1) The total amount of loans (including purchased evidences of indebtedness) outstanding at any one time under this section (A) with respect to projects in redevelopment areas designated under section 5(a) shall not exceed $100,000,000 and (B) with respect to projects in redevelopment areas designated under section 5(b) shall not exceed $100,000,000. (2) Such assistance shall be extended only to applicants, both private and public (including Indian tribes), which have been approved for such assistance by an agency or instrumentality of the State or political subdivision thereof in which the project to be financed is located, and which agency or instrumentality is directly concerned with problems of economic development in such State or subdivision. (3) The project for which financial assistance is sought must be reasonably calculated to provide more than a temporary