Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/280

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268 TREATY WITH SPAIN. 1819. claman per una poblacion propomionada ala fcracidad de su suelo, y ala dcfensn y seguridad dc las costns, dando cucntn succcsivamentc dc su progreso; cntendicndosc qua la introducion dc ncgres quo comprcndc la misma gracia, dove sujctarsc cn quantu al traicc dc ellos, alas roglas prescriptas cn mi Real Gedula de diez y nueva dc Diciembm ultima, que asi es mi voluntad; y que do esta cedula se tome mzon en In Contaduria General dc Indins. Fecha cn Palacio u seis de Fcbrero, de mil ochocicntos diez y ochc. Y0 EL REY. Por mundado del Rey Nuestro Senor: Estsnx V4m:n." Y pam que constc iirmo esta Certificacion cn Madrid, a quince de Octubrc, dc mil ochocientos viente. (Sig.) ANTONIO PORCEL. Don Evaristo Pcrcz de Castro, Caballero dc numcm dc In orden dc Carlos 3°. dc! Gcnsujo dc Estado, y Sccrcturio del Dcspacho dc Estado, &c. Ccrtinco qnc lu firma qua anteccdc dc} Exmo. Sor. Don Antonio Porcel, Secremrio dal Despacho de la Gubcrnacion dc Ultramar, es Ia que accstumbra poner en todos sus escriws. Y para los efcctos cnnvcnicntcs doy cl presents ccrtiiicado, iirmudo da mi mano y scllado con cl escudo dc mis armas, cn Madrid, u viente y uno dc Octubre, de mil cchocicntos y vicnte. (Sig.) EVARISTO PEREZ DE CASTRO. (1-1uxsr..u-mx.) Don Antonio Parcel, Knight Pcnsioner of the Royal and distinguished Order of Charles 3d; of the Council of State, and Secretary of Stats and of Despatch of the Ultra-Marine Government, &c. I certify, that, under data of the sixth of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, royal letters patent of the same tenor were sent by the lute Council of thu Indies to the Governor Captain General of the Island of Cuba and its dependencies, to the Intondant of the Army and Royal business of the Havana and its district, and to the Governor of the Floridas, that each should do his utmost, in his particular department, to givo effect to the grant, made to the Duke of Alngon, of various lands in East Florida, of the following tenor: THE KING. My Governor and Captain Gcncrul of the Island of Cuba and its dependencies: The Duke of Alagcn, Baron do Espcs, has manifested to mc, on the twelfth of July last, as follows :-•·Siro: The Duke of Alngon, Baron dc Espes, Captain of your mqjcsty’s Royal Body Guards, with the greatest respect, exposes: that, it being the interest of the crown that the uncultivutcd lands should be given to great capitalists, in order that they may be peoplod and cuhivntcd, from which How the advantages pointed out and advised by all politicians, and by means of which much or nearly the most of the fertile soil of the Floridas has been discovered, and it being a right of your majesty, as absolute lord, to distribute them for the benefit of agriculture, and in reward and recompense of the eminent services which have been rendered to your majesty and your whole kingdom; being desirous of deserving those marks of the vnluc of his mugnunimous courage, and of contributing as far as possible to fulfil the designs of population, so interesting to the ccmmonwcal, he humbly requests your majesty, that you would dcign to grant him all the uncultivatcd land not ccdcd in East Florida which lies between tho rivers Saint Lucia and Saint John, as far as the mouths by which they empty themselves into the sea, and the coast of the Gulf of Florida, and the adjacent islands, with the mouth of the river Hijuclos, in the twenty- sixth degree of latitude, following the left bank up to its source, drawing u line from Luka Mucaco, than descending by the way of the river Saint John to the Lake Valdes, crossing by another line from the extreme north of said Iukc to the source of the river Amnrimu, following its right bank as fur us its mouth, in the twenty-eighth or twenty- fifth degree of latitude, and running along the sca-const, with all the adjacent Islands up to the mouth of the river Hijuclos, in full property to himself and his heirs: allowing them also to import ncgrocs, for the labor and cultivation of the lands, free of duties: A gift which I hope to obtain from your Mnjcsty’s innate goodness." Having tskcn the premises into cmnsidcmtion, and bearing in mind the distinguishcd mcritof tho memnrialist, and his signal zcal for my royal service, as well as the benefits to he dcrivcd by the state from uu increase of population in the countries the ccssiuu whereof he has solicited, I have judged Gt to grant him the same, in so fur as is ccnformublc to the laws of these my kingdoms; and to make it known to my