Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/88

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969


PUBLIC LAW 91-47-JULY 22, 1969

[83 STAT.


Post, p. 83.

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Prisons", $2,319,000; (and release of $250,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364). SUPPORT OF UNITED STATES PRISONERS

For an additional amount for "Support of United States Prisoners", $2,500,000. BUREAU OF NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $1,187,000 of which $737,000 shall remain available until September 30, 1969; (and release of $400,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364). DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE OPERATIONS AND ADMINISTRATION

The amount required to be advanced from "Operations and administration" to the Small Business Administration during the current fiscal year for the processing of loan applications is hereby reduced to $1,200,000; (and release of $116,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES

70A s t V ^los'*a 75 stat° 810. ' 10 USC 1431-

In addition to the amount made available in the appropriation under this head in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1969, for retirement pay of commissioned officers and payments under the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection Plan, $147,000 shall be available in that appropriation for such expenses. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION STATE MARINE SCHOOLS

For an additional amount for "State marine schools", for liquidation of obligations incurred for payment of allowances for uniforms, textbooks and subsistence of cadets at State marine schools, to remain available until expended, $210,000j to be derived by transfer from the appropriation for "Ship construction".