Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/730

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[85 STAT. 700]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 700]



PUBLIC LAW 92-203-DEC. 18, 1971

[85 STAT.

Salamatof, Cook Inlet. Sand Point, Aleutian. Savonoski, Bristol Bay. Savoonga, Bering Sea. Scammon B a j, Southwest Coastal Lowland. Selawik, Bering Strait. Seldovia, Cook Inlet. Shageluk, Koyukuk-Lower Yukon. Shaktoolik, Bering Strait. Sheldon's Point, Southwest Coastal Lowland. Shishmaref, Bering Strait. Shungnak, I3ering Strait. Slana, Copper Eiver. Sleetmute, Upper Kuskokwnm. South Xaknek, Bristol Bay. Squaw Harbor, Aleutian. Stebbins, Bering Strait. Stevens Village, Upper Yukon-Porcupine. Stony River, UiDper Kuskokwim. Takotna, Upper Kuskokwim. Tanacross, Tanana. Tanana, Koyukuk-Lower Yukon. Tatilek, Chugach. Tazlina, Copper River. Telida, Upper Kuskokwim, Teller, Bering Strait. Tetlin, Tanana. Togiak, Bristol Bay. Toksook Bay, Southwest Coastal Lowland, Tulusak, Southwest Coastal Lowland. Tuntutuliak, Southwest Coastal Lowland. Tununak, Southwest Coastal Lowland. Twin Hills, Bristol Bay. Tyonek, Cook Inlet. Ugashik, Bristol Bay. Unalakleet, Bering Strait. Unalaska, Aleutian. Unga, Aleutian. Uyak, Kodiak. Venetie, Upper Yukon-Porcupine. TVaiuwright, Arctic Slope. Wales, Bering Strait. White Mountain, Bering Strait. (2) Within two and one-half years from the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall review all of the villages listed in subsection (b)(1) hereof, and a village shall not be eligible for land benefits under subsections 14(a) and (b). and any withdrawal for such village shall expire, if the Secretary determines that— (A) less than twenty-five Natives were residents of the village on the 1970 census enumeration date as shown by the census or other evidence satisfactory to the Secretary, who shall make findings of fact in each instance; or, (B) the village is of a modern and urban character, and the majority of the residents are non-Native. Any Native group made ineligible by this subsection shall be considered under subsection 14(h). (3) Native villages not listed in subsection (b)(1) hereof shall be eligible for land and benefits under this Act and lands shall be withdrawn pursuant to this section if the Secretary within two and one-