Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1442

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[87 STAT. C76]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C76]



Transportation, Department of—Con. ^^^fe Treasury, Department of the—Continued P*«* Urban Mass Transportation Act of Fishermen's Protective Fund, appro1964—Continued priation for 114 Appropriation for effecting proForeign currency reports, regulatory visions - 336,337 authority 353 Urban Mass Transportation AdminisGeneral provisions, Appropriation Acts. 513, tration, appropriation for 336 523, 1086 Water carriers, bulk commodities 838 Gold Reserve Act of 1934, amendment, Transportation Act of 1964, Urban Mass: repeal of provisions prohibiting Amendments— private ownership of gold; effective Long-range programs, increased date 352 grants and contract authority 295 Interest equalization tax, effect of Sex, prohibition of discrimination Canadian exemption on internaunder programs because of295 tional monetary stability, s t u d y.. 22 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 336,337 Internal Revenue Service, appropriation Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, Architectural and, establishfor 116,512, 1083 ment 391 Medals, striking of— Transportation Control Act of 1970, Colorado statehood, 100th anniverHazardous Materials, Amendment, sary, commemorative medals.. 944 additional funds 305 International Exposition on EnvironTransportation Day and National Transment, Spokane, Wash., 1974, portation Week, National Defense, commemorative medals 913 1973, proclamation 1172 Jim Thorpe, commemorative medals. 461 Transportation Safety Board, National, Roberto Walker Clemente, comappropriation for ._ 337 memorative medals 71 Travel Act of 1961, International: Amendment, authorization of funds 765 San Francisco cable cars, 100th anniAppropriation for effecting provisions. _. 647 versary, commemorative medals. 417 Travel Service, United States, appropriaMint, Bureau of the— tion for 647, 1082 American Revolution Bicentennial Treasury, Department of the: commemorative coinage, manuAccounts, Bureau of, appropriation for.. 114, facture and storage 456 116,484,511 Appropriation for 512 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Bureau Numismatic items, manufacture and of, appropriation for 126,511, 1083 distribution 456 Appropriation Act, 1974 511 National Railroad Passenger CorporaAppropriation for. 114,116,126,484,511, 1083 tion, loan guarantees, authority.. 553 Customs, Bureau of— Obligations issued by Department Appropriation for 126,511, 1083 of Transportation, purchase of International Voyage Load Line Act certain 1001 of 1973, utilization of officers for enforcement. 418 Obligations issued or sold by Federal Preclearance activities, repeal of teragencies, approval of financing.. 938 mination date.. 7 Offshore Shrimp Fisheries Act of 1973, Development Coordination Commitenforcement ^.-- 1067 tee, member 725 Par Value Modification Act— District of Columbia, termination of Amendment, new par value of the authority to borrow from; effective dollar 352 date 832,836 International financial institutions, Drugs, illicit traffic in, transfer of lawspecial payments, appropriation enforcement functions to Attorney General 1091 for 510 Environmental Financing Act of 1972, Ports of entry, inspection of persons appropriation for effecting proentering or leaving the United visions _ 484 States, transfer of functions to... 1091 Federal Financing Bank, Chairman of Public Debt, Bureau of the, appropriathe Board 937 tion for 512 Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973 937 Rural Electrification and Telephone Federal Law Enforcement Training Revolving Fund, establishment. - 66 Center, appropriation for 511