Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1443

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[87 STAT. C77]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C77]

SUBJECT INDEX Treasury, Department of the—Continued P"** Second Liberty Bond Act— Amendments— Long-term bonds, interest rate ceiling, exception 135 Public debt limit, extension 134 Tax refund check-bonds 135 Public debt limit, temporary increase. 691 Secret Service, United States, appropriation for 126,513 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 126 Time and saving deposits, interest rates, limitation 449 Treasurer, Office of the, appropriation for 513 United States Railway Association, member of Board of Directors 988 Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriation Act, 1974. 510 Tree Planting, assistance to States, appropriation for 442 Trotters Shoals Dam and Lake, Ga.-S.C, renamed the Richard B. Russell Dam and Lake 503 Truman, Harry S: Eulogies and encomiums of, printing as House document 1124 National day of mourning, proclamation 1146 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Appropriation for 434, 1074 Civil government, appropriation authorization, increase. _ 354 Comprehensive manpower services program, allocation of funds 842 Government comptroller of Guam, extension of authority to 354 Handicapped, rehabilitation programs for, allotment percentage 362 High Commissioner, fiscal condition of the government, report to 355 Historic property preservation, grantsin-aid program, inclusion 139 Micronesian Claims Act of 1971, amendments— Class of persons eligible for benefits under claims program, expansion _ 460 Payment of claims 461 Tung Nuts, mandatory price support, continuation through 1976 crop 942


Uniform Time Act of 1966, conversion to P««« year-round daylight savings time, effect on State law 708 Uniformed Services. See also Armed Forces and individual services. Career Compensation Act of 1949, repeal of obsolete provision 149 Dependents Assistance Act of 1950— Amendment, repeal of certain provisions 147 Permanent enactment of certain provisions 147 Doctors, dentists, veterinarians, etc., special pay, extension 149 Enlisted members with dependents, hardship discharges 148 Enlistment bonus, extension _ 149 Home port round trip transportation for certain members on ships inactivated away from home p o r t — 689 Illegitimate children, dependency status 148 Missing status, promotions 26 Travel and transportation allowances.. 910 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, military expenditures, mutual restraint, sense of Congress 455 United Nations, housing supplements for certain employees assigned to the United States Mission and U.S. delegates and alternates to the General Assembly 454 United Nations Day, 1973, proclamation.. 1244 United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East, United States contribution, authorization 837 United Nations Environment Fund, United States contribution, appropriation authorization 713' United Nations Environment Program Participation Ac t of 1973 _. _ 713 Appropriation i^or effecting provisions.. 1050 United Nations Participation Act of 1945, Amendment, housing supplement for certain employees, U.S delegates and alternates — 454 United States Air Force Academy, appointments from Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa 690 United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, appropriation for 654 United States Attorneys and Marshals, appropriation for 641, 1081 U "United States Business Involvement in Southern Africa", hearings on, printUnderground Electric Power Transmission ing of additional copies 1127 Research, appropriation for 326 United States Capitol Historical Society, Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970, sound and light performance, s t u d y.. 943 Federal-State Extended, Amendment, United States Coast Guard. See Coast extended benefit period, State "off" and "on" indicators _ 137, 974 Guard, United States.