Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1091

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INDEX. 1039 1Ischknburg·S¢hwerien, (continued.) Medica! Stay, than are imposed on the like articles in the army, increased, - - 351 the growth, &c., of any other foreign Medicines, country,_ ---- 914 shall be examined and appraised before export duties to be reciprocal, 914 passing the custom-house, - 237 no prohibitions to be imposed on im- mime of mukerto be put on each parcel, 238 portations or exportstions of either udulterated or deteriorated, not to pass, 238 party by the other, which shall not may be reéxumined by owner or consiguee, extend to all other nations, 914 238 favors granted by either party to other special examiners of} to be appointed, 238 nations to be common to both, Mellon, Eliza A., 914 pension of, ----- 751 duty ou row cotton, und rice in the Memphis, husk, abolished by Mecklenburg- navy yard ut, --—- 624 ° Schwcrin, but subject to the reser- Menard, Pierre, vution in the 11th article, - 915 relief of representatives of, - - 658 import duty on leaves, stems, &e., of Menomonee Indian.,, tobacco, rice in tierces, and on whale appropriations for, 22, 26, 34, 134, 137, 138, oil, limited, - - - 915 253, 254, 257, 387, 392, 545, 549, 576, 579 transit duty on the same limited, 915 treaty with, of Oct. 18, 1848, - 952 u duty, however, sufficient for control, peace and friendship to be perpetual, may be levied, - - - 916 952 each party to have the liberty of up- the Menomonees code to the United pointing consuls, vice-consuls, &c., States a11 their lands in Wisconsin, to reside in the ports of the other, 952 &c., who shall enjoy the same privi- in consideration of the foregoing ces- Ieges as those of the most favored sion, the United States give to said nations, ---- 916 tribe for a home certain lands ceded said cousuls, &c., tohave the right to by the Chippewas, — - 962 sit as judges or hrbitrators in such in further consideration, the United differences as may arise between the States agree to pay three hundred masters and crews of vessels of the and 6.fty thousand dollars, viz; : 952 country represented by them, 916 to the chieiii to settle the affairs of contending parties not to be prohibited the tribe, &c., $30.000, 952 from resorting to the judicial author- to certain persons of mixed blood, ity of their own country, · 917 $40,000, — - - 952 said consuls, &c., may require the as- expenses of removal, $20,000, 952 sistonce of the local a.uthor·ities for for subsistence for one year after the arrest of desei-ters, - 917 removal, $20,000. - 952 how demand shall be made, 917 for a. manual Labor school, mill, how deserters shall be disposed of &c., $15,000, -- 952, 953 when arrested, - - - 917 for hire of persons tc attend upon the subjects and citizens of either party mills, $9,000, - · 953 to have liberty to reside in all parts for e b1acksmith’s shop, and iron, of the territories of the other, and at- steel, &c., $11,900, - 953 tend to their own affairs, 8:0., 918 for payments for individual imwhilst they conform to the laws, they prcvements, $5000, - 953 shall be et liberty to manage for balance, $200,000, to be paid in themselves their own business, Sec., ten annual instalments, 953 and be treated in all respects es citi- the sum now invested in stocks under zeus of the country in which they the treaty of 1836. how to be upreside, ---- 918 plied, ---- 953 they shv.11 have free access to the tri- the United States to pay the expenses burials of justice, - - 918 of a. delegation to explore the counshell have power to dispose of their try ceded to said tribe, - 953 personal property ; and their heirs deficiency in goods at the annual pay- may succeed to and of the mem; of 1887, to be accounted for, same,`pa._ying no other uties than 953 those pmd by inhabitants, - 918 said Indians permitted to remain on property of absent heirs to be taken the lands ceded by them for two care of, -—-- 919 years from date, - - 953 questions of ownership to he decided Robert Grignou to have the right cf according to the laws of the country p to the land on which he where the property is situete, 919 er e sew mill, - 953, 954 heirs of reel estate allowed o reason- treaty to be binding as soon ss ratified able time to sell the same and with- by the President and Seriete, 954 draw the proceeds, - - 919 llmomonie River, duration of the treaty, · - 920 eument of islands iu, between Mich- Medak, an and Wisconsin, - - - 67 presented to certain French, British, and Meridian, Spanish officers, - - - 208 to he adopted in the American Nautical Helical Dqzamnent, Mmmm, ----- 615 sddltinuil appointments in, authorised, 17, Morril, Eli, 18 land wemmt to issue to, - 670 Von. IX. Imam:. - 131