Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/496

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470 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 71. 1850. for military and cause to be designated, upon the map aforesaid, the position and the °'·h°' P“l’l‘°P‘§‘ extent of lots necessary for military purposes, as also the position and dggfgniitiddfo e the extent of any other lot or lots, which may be required for other public purposes, and also the position and extent of the Indian agency tract, and of the Indian reserve. _ d Clpppnpss Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in the case of any person cgm ,0 prim, or persons, or the legal representatives of any person or persons, who a swam uotieein are the present bona tide claimants, under the original claims, which Wriilng *° Phe are entered in book number seven of the report of the Board of Com ijgatzyie missioners, under the act of Congress approved twenty-first of Februcfthqircluimits ary, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, entitled, "An Act to revive l’,‘;‘°‘°;."°““d the and continue in force certain acts for the adjustment of land claims in 8 O O0C\1p3.· , , , , non thereof, the Territory of MlOl1lg3H,’, it shall and may be lawful for such per- 182% °h· 10- son, within one year from the passage of this act, to present a sworn notice, in writing, to the register and receiver, setting forth the nature of his claim, with the front and depth necessary to embrace his settlement and improvements, and its position and limits, as accurately as practicable, on the public surveys; also the length of time it has been settled by the present claimant, and the estimated value at the time his right originated, and the estimated value at the present time, Register ,,,,,1 exclusive of improvements; and it shall be the duty of the regisreqsiver to rs- ter and receiver to receive and consider testimony, which may be pre- °°"° l°shm°"y‘ sented in each case, and to call for such further testimony as they may deem necessary, in rder to enable them to determine the precise nature of each claim or title, and ascertain under whom the same originated, and to fix its position and extent on the public surveys, and its present value, exclusive of improvements, and also to ascertain the value of the improvements, and further to ascertain whether it interferes with any adverse claim, and the extent of] and nature Register au- ot, such interference; and for the purposes aforesaid, the regis-

 **;:1*; ter and receiver are hereby authorized each to administer oaths, or

and receive {eee_ aflirmations, and it shall also be the duty of those officers to record all notices and testimony in support of each claim ; and for administering oaths they shall be allowed a fee of twelve-and-a-half cents, and a like sum for every hundred words of testimony which they may record, to be paid by the claimants, and equally divided between the oincers aforesaid Claimantswith- Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in the case of any bona °“‘ mY Fight fide claimant, who has no right under an original claim, entered in the under °“g`P°1 aforesaid book number b - ` e1arm,buc being seven, ut who, on the lirst day of January, in bona tide set- the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-nine, had reduced a

 t30f;; 0*} lot into possession, and is an actual and bona tide settler thereon, or

the time of pas- occupant thereof, it shall and may be lawful for him to tile a sworn

’;;1°;¤·*mP;;i‘ notice, stating how long he has been in the actual possession of the lot,

&e_ ’ °x ’ the nature of his improvements, the extent of front and depth requisite to embrace his actual settlement and improvements, the estimated value of the lot at the time of his settlement, and its present value, exclusive of improvements, as also the value of such improvements, and also designating, as accurately as practicable, its position upon the public urveys; and it shall and may be lawful for the aforesaid officers, also, to take all necessary testimony in this class of cases in like manner, and perform similar duties as required in the foregoing section, and to receive any notice and evidence of any missionary claim from any party authorized to act, both as to the nature and extent of the same, and the grounds on which it may be entitled to equitable consideration. Omeers to ar- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall also be the duty {;;‘,§;:1‘_:s°S find of the land officers to examine and arrange the notices and testimony y uu er . . cumin cmsescr m all cases filed under this act; and the cases contemplated by the ¤l>¤¤¤¢l>=- third section, which they may confirm, shall be placed in abstract A,