712 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27, 29, 30. 1848. ized to settle ples of equity, the accounts of Walter Loomis and Abel Gay, so far as
- l"’“’ °F°9“;‘*S they are original contractors, for making the Cumberland road, and so
gifillusgggclgsg far as they contracted to make the said road, or any part thereof, equity- different from the original contract, and for keeping the same in repair; Appropriation. and to pay any balance that may be found due to them, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ammovnn, March 29, 1848. April 4, 1848. Cru?. XXVIl.— An Act to provide for the Compensation of Samuel Leech, for """"i"‘—‘ Services in the Investigation of suspended Sales in the Mineral Point District, Wisconsin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 35§0ro be paid United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Egxicg lggorlgf of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay, out of any gd by M5, under money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Samuel .Leech, E¤¤’¤¢*·i<>¤¤ from the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars, in full compensation for u:§°r°1L°"d0l; services performed by him pursuant to instructions from the General l Land Office, in taking testimony at Mineral Point, Wisconsin, during the past year; and for making a report in the cases of entry in that land district, in which patents have been withheld, on account of alleged frauds in making said entries. Approved, April 4, 1848. April 8 1848 Cnr. XXIX.—.·9n. det granting a Pension to Patrick Walker. ’ N 1349,03;,63, B6 if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the A ,,,,,,,0,, of United States if America in Congress assembled, That there be $40t%<=>; g;:;;}; allowed and paid Patrick Vllalker, a soldier of the first regiment of §{,a£k;,, uw of artillery in the war with Mexico, a pension at the rate of forty dollars the pension he per month, in lieu of the pension he now receives, to commence on MW *¤°€¤"°S- the l.W€HlLy’·€lgll£l1 of October last, and to continue for one year; the said Walker having lost his right arm, and nearly the whole of his left hand, by a cannon-ball, in the action at Churubusco, on the twentieth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-seven. Approved, April 8, 1848. April 12, 1848. Cru?. XXX. -——.»9n Het for the Relief {pf the legal Representativesqf George Fisher, ·—···—‘·"" eceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the jrheseoondrtu- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Second d“°' *9 °“"““.° Auditor of the Treasury of the United States be, and he is hereby, as adjust iheir authorized and re uired to examine and ad`ust the claims of the le al claims on prmcr- I q I · _] I e _ g ples¤T¢<1¤1¢Y¤¤d representatives of George Fisher, deceased, on principles of equity and ’°S"°°’ &°' justice, and having due regard to the proofs, for the value of property taken or destroyed by the troops of the Ilnited States engaged in suppressing Indian hostilities m the year eighteen hundred and thirdu€“}g““g€f°“£g teen ; and that the said legal representatives be paid for the same out thm_ P of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. b LgSs¤Sd¤¤¤¤¤d Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if it shall be found t,Y00P;“t°an§°°}f: impracticablefor the claimants to furnish distinct proof as to the dians, respective- specific quantity of property respectively taken or destroyed by the 1¥= *° b? “PP°"‘ troops and by the Indians, it shall be lawful for the said accounting honed in such . . . ma,,,,,,, as to ar-, officer to apportron the losses caused by said troops and Indians i€<>¤;i_ ¤ fair and respectively, in such manner as from the proofs he may think just and lgsségdggygg if; equitable, so as to afford a fair and full indemnity for all losses and said troops. injuries occasioned by said troops, and allow the claimants accordingly: