Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/939

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TREATY WITH NEW GRANADA. Duc. 12, 1846. 887 izens of the country; for which naturales 6 ciudadanos del pais; purpose, they may either appear para lo cual podran jestionar en in proper person, or employ in the persona, 6 emplear en la jestion 6 prosecution or defence of their defensa de sus derechos it los aborights such advocates, solicitors, gados, procuradores, escribanos notaries, agents, and factors as ajentesu apoderados que juzguen they may judge proper in all their convenientes para todos sus litijios; trials at law; and such citizens or i dichos ciudadanos 6 ajentes tenagents shall have free opportunity dran la libre facultad de estar preto be present at the decisions or sentes en las decisiones isentensentences of the tribunals, in all cias de los tribunales, en todos los cases which may concern them, casos que les conciernan, como and likewise at the taking of all igualmente al tomarse todas las examinations and evidence which declaraciones i pruebas, que se may be exhibited in the said trials. ofrezcan en los dichos litijios. Arvrrcrm XIV. Anrrrcnro XIV. The citizens of the United Los ciudadanos de la republica Liberty <>f¤¤¤- States residing in the territories of de Nueva Granada residentes en bal;?,!;}: the republic of New Granada shall territorio de los Estados Unidos, cured. enjoy the most perfect and entire gozaran una perfecta é ilimitada security of conscience, without be- libertad de consciencia, sin ser ing annoyed, prevented, or dis- molestados, inquietados ni perturturbed on account of their reli- bados por su creencia relijiosa. gious beliei Neither shall they No seran molestados, inquietados be annoyed, molested, or disturbed ni perturbados en el ejercicio de on the proper exercise of their reli- su relijion, en casas privadas 6 en gion in private houses, or on the las capillas 6 lugaresde adoracion chapels or places of worship ap- designados al efecto, con el decoro pointed for that purpose, provid- debido a la divinidad,i respeto é. ed that in so doing they observe las leyes, usos i costumbres del the decorum due to divine worship pals. Tambien tendran libertad and the respect due to the laws, para enterrar los ciudadanos de usages, and customs of the country. Nueva Granada que mueran en Liberty shall also be granted to territorio de los Estados Unidos, bury the citizens of the United en los lugares convenientes iade- States, who may die in the territo- cuados, designados i establecidos ries of the republic of New Gra- por ellos con acuerdo de las autonada, in convenient and adequate ridades locales, 6 en los lugares de places, to be appointed and estab- sepultura que elijan los amigos de lished by themselves for that pur- los muertos; ilos funerales i sepose, with the knowledge of the pulcros no serén trastornados de local authorities, or in such other modo alguno ni por ningun moplaces of sepulture as may be tivo. chosen by the friends of the deceased; nor shall the funerals or sepulchres of the dead be disturbed in any wise, nor upon any account. In like manner, the citizens of De la misma manera, los ciuda— New Granada shall enjoy, within danos de los Estados Unidos gozathe government and territories of ran en territorio de la republica the United States, a perfect and de Nueva Granada perfecta éiliunrestrained liberty of conscience, mitada libertad de consciencia,-i and of exercising their religion, ejerceran su relijion publica 0 pnpublicly or privately, within their vadamente en sus mismas habitaown dwelling-houses, or on the ciones, 6 en las capillas 6 lugares chapels and places of worship ap- de adoracion designados al efecto, Von. IX. TREAT. — 10