Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 93.djvu/1200

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1979

93 STAT. 1168 "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec.

PUBLIC LAW 96-157—DEC. 27, 1979 603. Procedure for establishing discretionary programs. 604. Application requirements. 605. Criteria for award. 606. Period for award. "PART G—TRAININO AND MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT

"Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec.

701. Pui^K^e. 702. Training of prosecuting attorneys. 703. Training State and local criminal justice personnel. 704. FBI training of State and local criminal justice personnel. 705. Criminal justice education program. "PART H—ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

"Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec. "Sec.

801. Establishment of Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics. 802. Consultation; establishment of rules and regulations. 803. Notice and hearing on denial or termination of grant. 804. Finality of determinations. 805. Appellate court review. 806. Delegation of functions. 807. Subpena power; authority to hold hearings. 808. Compensation of Director of Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics. "Sec. 809. Compensation of other Federal officers. "Sec. 810. Employment of hearing officers. "Sec. 811. Authority to use available services. "Sec. 812. Consultation with other Federal, State, and local officials. "Sec. 813. Reimbursement authority. "Sec. 814. Services of experts and consultants; advisory committees. "Sec. 815. Prohibition of Federal control over State and local criminal justice agen* cies. "Sec. 816. Report to President and Congress. "Sec. 817. Recordkeeping requirement. "Sec. 818. Confidentiality of information. "Sec. 819. Authority to accept voluntary services. "Sec. 820. Administration or juvenile delinquency programs. "Sec. 821. Prohibition on land acquisition. "Sec. 822. Prohibition on use of CIA services. "Sec. 823. Indian liability waiver. "Sec. 824. District of Columbia matching fund source. "Sec. 825. Limitation on civil justice matters. "Sec. 826. Reimbursement for unused equipment. "Sec. 827. Prison industry enhancement. "PART I—DEFINITIONS

"Sec. 901. Definitions. "PART J—FUNDINO

"Sec. 1001. Authorization of appropriations. "Sec. 1002. Maintenance of effort. "Sec. 1003. Authorization of appropriations for Office of Anti-Crime Programs. "PART K—CRIMINAL PENALTIES

"Sec. 1101. Misuse of Federal assistance. "Sec. 1102. Falsification or concealment of facts. "Sec. 1103. Conspiracy to commit offense against United States. 'TART L—PUBLIC SAFETY OpncERs' DEATH BENEFFTS

"Sec. 1201. Payments. "Sec. 1202. Limitations. "Sec. 1203. Definitions. "Sec. 1204. Administrative provisions. 'TART M—TRANsmoN—EFFECTIVB DATE—REPEALER

"Sec. 1301. Continuation of rules, authorities, and proceedings.