Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 94 Part 1.djvu/1274

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PUBLIC LAW 96-000—MMMM. DD, 1980

94 STAT. 1224

PUBLIC LAW 96-364—SEPT. 26, 1980

contribute under the plan. The rules may apply only to the extent that the rules are consistent with the purposes of this Act. "REDUCTION OF PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL LIABILITY

29 USC 1388.


"SEC. 4208. (a)(1) If, for any 2 consecutive plan years following the plan year in which an employer has partially withdrawn from a plan under section 4205(a)(1) (referred to elsewhere in this section as the 'partial withdrawal year'), the number of contribution base units with respect to which the employer has an obligation to contribute under the plan for each such year is not less than 90 percent of the total number of contribution base units with respect to which the employer had an obligation to contribute under the plan for the high base year (within the meaning of section 4205(b)(l)(B)(ii)), then the employer shall have no obligation to make payments with respect to such partial withdrawal (other than delinquent payments) for plan years beginning after the second consecutive plan year following the partial withdrawal year. "(2)(A) For any plan year for which the number of contribution base units with respect to which an employer who has partially withdrawn under section 4205(a)(1) has an obligation to contribute under the plan equals or exceeds the number of units for the highest year determined under paragraph (1) without regard to '90 percent of, the employer may furnish (in lieu of payment of the partial withdrawal liability determined under section 4206) a bond to the plan in the amount determined by the plan sponsor (not exceeding 50 percent of the annual payment otherwise required). "(B) If the plan sponsor determines under paragraph (1) that the employer has no further liability to the plan for the partial withdrawal, then the bond shall be cancelled. "(C) If the plan sponsor determines under paragraph (1) that the employer continues to have liability to the plan for the partial withdrawal, then— "(i) the bond shall be paid to the plan, "(ii) the employer shall immediately be liable for the outstanding amount of liability due with respect to the plan year for which the bond was posted, and "(iii) the employer shall continue to make the partial withdrawal liability payments as they are due. "(b) I f "(1) for any 2 consecutive plan years following a partial withdrawal under section 4205(a)(1), the number of contribution base units with respect to which the employer has an obligation to contribute for each such year exceeds 30 percent of the total number of contribution base units with respect to which the employer had an obligation to contribute for the high base year (within the meaning of section 42050t))(l)(B)(ii), and "(2) the total number of contribution base units with respect to which all employers under the plan have obligations to contribute in each of such 2 consecutive years is not less than 90 percent of the total number of contribution base units for which all employers had obligations to contribute in the partial withdrawal plan year; then, the employer shall have no obligation to make payments with respect to such partial withdrawal (other than delinquent payments) for plan years beginning after the second such consecutive plan year. "(c) In any case in which, in any plan year following a partial withdrawal under section 4205(a)(1), the number of contribution base