Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 97.djvu/1080

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97 STAT. 1048 PUBLIC LAW 98-164—NOV. 22, 1983 (C) public dissemination of research data, methods, and findings; (D) c(»itact and collaboration among Government and private specialists; and (E) firsthand experience of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries by American specialists, including on site conduct of advanced training and research to the extent practicable; and (4) it is in the national interest for the United States Govern- ment to provide a stable source of financial support for the functions described in this section and to supplement the finan- cial support for those functions which is currently being fur- nished by Federal, State, local, regional, and private agencies, organizations, and individuals, and thereby to stabilize the conduct of these functions on a national scale, consistently, and on a long range unclassified basis. DEFINITIONS 22 USC 4502. SEC. 803. As used in this title- CD the term "institution of higher education" has the same meaning given such term in section 1201(a) of the Higher 20 USC 1141. Education Act of 1965; and (2) the term "Advisory Committee" means the Soviet-Eastern European Studies Advisory Committee established by section 804(a). ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOVIET-EASTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE 22 USC 4503. SEC. 804. (a) There is established within the Department of State the Soviet-Eastern European Studies Advisory Committee which shall be composed of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Education, the Librarian of Congress, the President of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, and the President of the Association of American Universities. The Secretary of State shall be the Chairman. Meetings. (b) The Advisory Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair- man and shall hold at least one meeting each year. Three members of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quorum. (c) The Secretary of State may detail personnel of the Department of State to provide technical and clerical assistance to the Advisory Committee in carrying out its functions under this title. (d) The Advisory Committee shall recommend grant policies for the advancement of the objectives of this title. In proposing recipi- ents for grants under this title, the Advisory Committee shall give the highest priority to national organizations with an interest and expertise in conducting research and training concerning Soviet and Eastern European countries and in disseminating the results of such research. In making its recommendations, the Advisory Committee shall emphasize the development of a stable, long-term research program. AUTHORITY TO MAKE PAYMENTS 22 USC 4504. SEC. 805. (a) The Secretary of State, after consultation with the Advisory Committee, shall make payments, in accordance with the