Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 98 Part 3.djvu/82

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PUBLIC LAW 98-000—MMMM. DD, 1984

98 STAT. 2454

Ante, p. 2450. Ante, p. 2452.

PUBLIC LAW 98-524—OCT. 19, 1984

addition to other eligible recipients, for the use of funds available under this part in areas of the State in which there is an absence of sufficient vocational education facilities or in which the vocational education programs do not adequately address the needs of disadvantaged students, or in which the local educational agency determines that the community-based organization can better serve disadvantaged students. "(5) Each local educational agency is authorized to use funds allocated under paragraph (1) of this subsection for joint projects with one or more other local educational agencies. "(b) The State board may encourage any eligible recipient within the State which is eligible to receive a grant under this part which is $1,000 or less in any fiscal year to operate programs jointly with another eligible recipient. "(c) The State board shall establish criteria for the distribution of the remaining amount of the allotment of the State available for this part to eligible recipients and to community-based organizations pursuant to section 201(c)(3) within the State for the purposes described in clauses (3), (4), (5), and (6) of section 202. "CRITERIA FOR SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES FOR THE HANDICAPPED AND FOR THE DISADVANTAGED

20 USC 2334. Ante, p. 2453.

20 USC 1412. 20 USC 1414.

Ante, p. 2453.

"SEC. 204. (a) The State board shall, with respect to that portion of the allotment distributed in accordance with section 203(a) for vocational education services and activities for handicapped individuals and disadvantaged individuals, provide assurances that— "(1) equal access will be provided to handicapped and disadvantaged individuals in recruitment, enrollment, and placement activities; "(2) equal access will be provided to handicapped and disadvantaged individuals to the full range of vocational programs available to nonhandicapped and nondisadvantaged individuals, including occupationally specific courses of study, cooperative education, and apprenticeship programs; and "(3)(A) vocational education programs and activities for handicapped individuals will be provided in the least restrictive environment in accordance with section 612(5)(B) of the Education of the Handicapped Act and will, whenever appropriate, be included as a component of the individualized education plan required under section 612(4) and section 614(a)(5) of such Act; and "(B) vocational education planning for handicapped individuals will be coordinated between appropriate representatives of vocational education and special education. "(b) Each local educational agency shall, with respect to that portion of the allotment distributed in accordance with section 203(a) for vocational education services and activities for handicapped individuals and disadvantaged individuals, provide information to handicapped and disadvantaged students and parents of such students concerning the opportunities available in vocational education at least one year before the students enter the grade level in which vocational education programs are first generally available in the State, but in no event later than the beginning of the ninth grade, together with the requirements for eligibility for enrollment in such vocational education programs.