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and William Morris. Ellis, London, 1870, 12mo.

——Lilja (the Lily), an Icelandic religious poem of the 14th century, by Asgrimsson (Eystein), Ed., with met. trans., by E. M. Williams & Norgate, London, 1870, 12mo.

——and Morris (Wm.).—The story of Grettir the Strong (Grettis Saga). Tr. from the Icelandic. Ellis, London, 1869, 8vo.

Magnusson (Eirikr) and Morris (Wm.).—Three Northern Love-stories and other tales. (Gunnlaug the Worm-tongue; Frithiof the bold; Viglund the fair; Hogni and Hedinn; Roi the fool; Thorstein Staff - smitten.) Ellis, London, 1875, 12mo.

——Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. Life of the Archbp., Thos. A’ Beckett, in Icelandic. With trans., notes, and exhaustive glossary by E. M. Longman, London, 1875, 2 vols., 8vo.

———Viking tales. See Arnason (Jon).

Mallet (P. H.).—See Edda Snorra Sturlusonar.

Mathias (T. J.).—The Garland of Flowers; composed of Cupid and Psyche, from the Golden Ass of Apuleius, and of Odes, chiefly from the Norse tongue. New York, 1806, 12mo.

Metcalfe (Fred.).—The Englishman and the Scandinavian; or, a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse literature. Trübner, London, 1880, 8vo.

——The Oxonian in Iceland, summer 1860. Hotten, London, 1867, 8vo.

——The Saxon and the Norseman. Oxford, 1876, 8vo.

Miles (Pliny).—Nordurfari; or, rambles in Iceland. Longman, London, 1856, 8vo. (The Travellers’ Library, vol. iv.)

Morris (Wm.).—The story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the Fall of the Niblungs. 4th edition, 6s. Reeves & Turner, London, 1887, post 8vo. See also Magnusson (Eirikr).

Muller (F. Max).—Chips from a German Workshop (vol. ii., pp. 189–196, The Norsemen in Iceland. pp. 219–238, Popular tales from the Norse). Longmans, London, 1867, 8vo.

Murray (J.)Handbook for . . . Iceland. Murray, London, 1878, 12mo.

Njals Saga.—See Dasent (G. W.)

Olafsson (Eggert) and Palsson (Bjarni).—Travels in Iceland. In 2nd vol. of “A collection of . . . voyages and travels.” Phillips, London, 1805–9, 10 vols., 8vo.

Orkneyinga Saga.—Tr. from the Icelandic by Jon A. Hjaltalin and Gilbert Goudie. Ed., etc., Jos. Anderson. Edmonston, Edinbro’, 1873, 8vo.

Oswald (Miss E. J.).—By fell and fjord; scenes and studies in Iceland. Blackwood, Edinbro’, 1882, 8vo.

Otte (Emily C.).—Denmark and Iceland. Sampson Low, London, 1881, 8vo.

Paijkull (C. W. von).—A Summer in Iceland. Tr. Rev. M. R. Barnard. Chapman & Hall, London, 1868, 8vo.