Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/145

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INSECTS PLUTELLIDJE Plutella cruciferarum, Zell. Burton, com- mon ; Repton porrectella, L. Burton, rare Cerostoma sequella, Clerck. Bretby, rare ; near Repton vittella, L. Repton (W.G.) radiatella, Don. Repton Shrubs costella, Fb. alpella, Schiff. Ravenstone Harpipteryx xylostella, L. Repton (W.G.) GELECHIID.S Orthotelia sparganella, Thnb. Burton, near Repton Phibalocera quercana, Fb. Burton, Repton Depressaria costosa, Haw. flavella, Hb. Burton, Repton umbellana, St. Repton assimilella, Tr. arenella, Schiff. (W.G.) subpropinquella, Sta. alstrcemeriana, Clerck. Repton (W.G.) liturella, Hb. Repton (W.G.) angelicella, Hb. applana, Fb. Burton, common ; Rep- ton chzrophylli, Zell. Repton ultimella, Sta. heracleana, DeGeer. Burton, Repton Gelechia malvella, Hb. Burton (?) ericetella, Hb. Repton (W.G.) sororculella, Hb. Burton Brachmia mouffetella, Schiff. Burton, Repton Bryotropha terrella, Hb. Burton, common, Repton senectella, Zell. Burton affinis, Dougl. Burton, Repton domestica, Haw. Burton Lita artemisiella, Tr. viscariella, Logan. Stapenhill maculea, Haw. Burton tricolorella, Haw. Seal Wood fraternella, Dougl. Burton maculiferella, Dougl. Burton (?) htibneri, Haw. Burton atriplicella, Fisch. Teleia proximella, Hb. Repton notatella, Hb. Burton ' vulgella, Hb. Burton, Repton luculella, Hb. Repton Shrubs - fugitivella, Zell. Burton (?) Nannodia hermannella, Fb. Repton Shrubs Ptocheuusa subocellea, St. Burton Doryphora lucidella, St. Burton, Bretby Park lutulentella, Zell. Repton Monochroa tenebrella, Hb. Burton, Repton Lamprotes atrella, Haw. Burton GELECHIID^ (continued) Anacampsis ligulella, Zell. Burton, Bretly Park anthyllidella, Hb. Burton Tachyptilia populella, Clerck. Repton Brachycrossata cinerella, Clerck. Burton, Repton Ceratophora rufescens, Haw. Burton Chelaria httbnerella, Don. Repton (W.G.) Anarsia spartiella, Schr. Railway cuttings near Willington Hypsilophus schmidiellus, Heyd. Willing- ton marginellus, Fb. Burton Harpella geoffrella, Linn. Dasycera sulphurella, Fb. Burton, com- mon ; Repton CEcophora minutella, L. Repton (W.G.) fuscescens, Haw. Burton pseudospretella, Sta. Burton, Repton CEcogenia quadripunctata, Haw. Repton Endrosis fenestrella, Scop. Burton, com- mon ; Repton Butalis fusco-cuprea, Haw. Repton variella, St. Repton GLYPHIPTERYGIDJE Glyphipteryx fuscoviridella, Haw. Burton, Repton thrasonella, Scop. Repton Shrubs (?) equitella, Scop. Burton fischeriella, Zell. Burton, Repton Shrubs Heliozele sericiella, Haw. Repton Shrubs ARC YRESTH IID^E Argyresthia ephippella, Fb. Stapenhill, etc. nitidella, Fb. Repton (W.G.) spiniella, Zell. Burton albistria, Haw. Repton (W.G.) retinella, Zell. Burton dilectella, Zell. Stapenhill curvella, L. Repton goedartella, L. (W.G.) brochella, Hb. Ocnerostoma pinariella, Zell. Repton Zelleria insignipennella, Sta. Burton, Repton GRACILARIID.S: Gracilaria alchimiella, Scop. Repton (W.G.) stigmatella, Fb. Repton (W.G.) elongella, L. Burton tringipennella, Zell. Repton syringella, Fb. Repton Shrubs, Burton auroguttella, St. Repton (W.G.) Ornix anglicella, Sta. Burton, Repton torquillella, Sta. Burton guttea, Haw. Findern COLEOPHORID^E Coleophora fabriciella, Vill. Drakelow, Repton alcyonipennella, Kol. Repton paripennella, Zell. Burton, etc. anatipennella, Hb. Repton 93