Page:VCH Derbyshire 1.djvu/146

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A HISTORY OF DERBYSHIRE COLEOPHORIDJE (continued) Coleophora discordella, Zell. Repton onosmella, Crahm. murinipennella, Fisch. Burton (?) caespititiella, Zell. Burton, Repton laripennella, Zett. Burton argentula, Zell. laricella, Hb. Repton (?) (W.G.) albitarsella, Zell. Burton nigricella, St. Burton (E.B.) ; Repton (W.G.) fuscedinella, Zell. Burton, Repton gryphipennella, Bouch. Burton viminetella, Heyd. Burton, Repton badiipennella, Fisch. Burton ELACHISTID.0S Batrachedra praeangusta, Haw. Burton, once near Newton Chauliodus illigerellus, Hb. Burton chaerophyllellus, Goze. Repton Laverna propinquella, Sta. Burton (?), Repton lacteella, St. Burton (E.B.) epilobiella, Schr. Burton, Repton ochraceella, Curt. Repton decorella, St. Burton vinolentella, H.S. Burton, near Repton atra, Haw. Burton, Repton Chrysoclysta linneella, Clerck. Repton Shrubs, Bretby Park schrankella, Hb. Foremark aurifrontella, Hb. Burton Asychna terminella, Dale. Repton Shrubs, near Burton Elachista magnificella, Tgstr. (?) Burton albifrontella, Hb. Burton, Repton atricomella, Sta. Burton monticola, Wk. Drakelow Mill cinereopunctella, Haw. Repton nigrella, Hb. (?) Burton [ subnigrella, Dougl. Burton (?)] humilis, Zell. (?) Burton perplexella, Sta. Burton obscurella, Sta. Burton, Repton zonariella, Tgstr. Burton megerlella, Zell. cerussella, Hb. Burton, Repton paludum, Frey. Drakelow Mill rufocinerea, Haw. Burton, very com- mon ; Repton argentella, Clerck. Repton (W.G.) Tischeria complanella, Hb. Repton Shrubs, Burton marginea, Haw. Burton LITHOCOLLETID.S: Lithocolletis pomifbliella, Zell. Burton, Repton coryli, Nicelli. Burton faginella, Mann. Burton, Repton salicicolella, Sircom. ulmifoliella, Hb. Burton spinolella, Dup. Burton, Repton quercifbliella, Fisch. messaniella, Zell. Burton corylifoliella, Haw. Burton, Repton viminiella, Sircom alnifoliella, Hb. Burton heegeriella, Zell. cramerella, Fb. Burton, Repton sylvella, Haw. emberizaepennella, Bouch6. Grange Wood nicellii, Zell. Burton, common tristrigella, Haw. Burton, Repton trifasciella, Haw. Burton LYONETIID.S: Lyonetia clerckella, L. Burton Phyllocnistis suffusella, Zell. Repton Cemiostoma spartifoliella, Hb. Burton, Repton laburnella, Heyd. Burton, common ; Repton scitella, Zell. Burton, Repton Bucculatrix cidarella, Tisch. Repton ulmella, Mann. Burton cratsegi, Zell. Burton, Repton boyerella, Dup. thoracella, Thnb. Burton NEPTICULID.S: Nepticula ruficapitella, Haw. Burton, Repton anomalella, Goze. Burton pygmaeella, Haw. oxyacanthella, Sta. intimella, Zell. subbimaculella, Haw. trimaculella, Haw. floslactella, Haw. Burton, Repton microtheriella, Wing. Burton ignobilella, Sta. Burton, Repton argentipedella, Zell. Burton malella, Sta. Burton angulifasciella, Sta. Burton, near Repton gratiosella, Sta. marginicolella, Sta. Burton aurella, Fb. Burton splendidissimella, H.S. Burton t near Repton DIPTERA The following list probably only represents a very small proportion of the Diptera which actually inhabit Derbyshire. It is based upon Mr. 94