Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/548

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A HISTORY OF ESSEX wood(land) for 30 swine and 2 acres of meadow. Then 2 rounceys (runcini) ; now 4. Then 4 beasts (anima lia) ; now 7. Then as now (semper) 2O swine. Then 40 sheep ; now 100. Then 14 goats ; now 20. It was then worth 40 shillings ; now 60. ELESFORDA [Alresford], which was held by Edward as i manor and as 2 hides and 50 acres, is held of the count by Haco[n]. Then 4 bordars ; now 7. Then 6 serfs ; now 2. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; and when (the manor was) received none ; now half (a plough). Then i plough belonging to the men ; now a half. There is wood(land) for 100 swine, 3 acres of meadow, (and) pasture for 2O sheep. It is worth 60 shillings. FRIETUNA [Frinton], which was held by Harold, in King Edward's time, as i manor and as 3 hides, and was afterwards held by Ingelric, is held of the count by Ralf de Marci. Then 6 villeins ; now 4. Then 3 bordars ; now none. Then 2 serfs ; now i . Then as now (semper) i plough on the demesne. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; now half (a plough). (There is) pas- ture for 60 sheep. (There are) 2 beasts (animalia), 7 -swine, (and) 2O sheep. It was then worth 60 shillings ; now 4 pounds and JO shillings. BIRICHOU [Bircho 1 ], which was held by Ingelric of St. Paul('s) of London 2 as i manor and as 3 hides, is held of the count by Robert. 3 Then 6 bordars ; now 8. Then fo. 33 2 serfs ; now I . Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now none. Then i plough be- longing to the men (inter homines) ; now 2. There is wood(land) for 10 swine, (and) pas- ture for i oo sheep. Then 2 rounceys ; now none. Then 8 beasts (animalia) ; now none. Then 13 sheep ; now none. Then 6 swine ; now none. It was then worth 60 shillings ; now 4 pounds and 7 shillings. 4 HOILANDA [(Little) Holland], which was held by Lefstan as i manor and as 4 hides 1 In Kirby ; now, by corruption, Birch Hall.

  • It had clearly been part of the soke of Ead-

wulfsness, which belonged to the canons of St. Paul's and which included Kirby. 3 Who also held of him at Colne (Engaine). 4 This is a remarkable instance of a manor on which the plough-teams had decreased from 3 to 2, while all the other live stock had disappeared, being valued nearly 50 per cent higher than it was before ! in King Edward's time, and afterwards by Ingelric, is held of the count by Adelolf (de Merc). Then n villeins; now 8. Then as now (semper) 5 bordars. Then 2 serfs ; now i. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now i. Then 6 ploughs belonging to the men (inter homines] ; now 2. (There is) wood(land) for 50 swine, (and) pasture for 100 sheep. (There are) 13 swine, (and) 14 sheep. It was then worth 6 pounds ; now 4. LELEFORDA [Lawford 6 ], which was held by Alvric in King Edward's time, and afterwards by Ingelric, as a manor and as 2 hides, is held of the count by the same (Adelolf). Then 4 villeins; now i. Then 7 bordars; now 10. Then 4 serfs ; now I . Then 2 ploughs on the demesne ; now I . Then 4 ploughs be- longing to the men (inter homines) ; now 2. Wood(land) for I o swine, 6 acres of meadow, pasture for 2OO sheep, 4 beasts (animalia), 80 sheep, I rouncey (runcinus), (and) 8 swine. Then as now (semper) it was worth i o pounds. There also (In eadem) half a hide and 30 acres were held by 3 sokemen, whom Ingelric annexed (invasit) ; and Count Eustace now holds them, 6 and the same Adelolf (holds them) of him ; they had (inter eos) then 2 ploughs, now I ; there are 2 acres of meadow ; it is worth 20 shillings. TENDRINGE [Tendring 7 ], which was held by ./Etnod as a manor and as i hide less 15 acres, is held of the count by Bernard ; and this is of Ingelric's fee (feudo). Then 8 vil- leins ; now 6. Now 6 bordars. Then 6 serfs ; now I. Then as now (semper) 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 3 ploughs be- longing to the men. (There is) wood(land) for 200 swine, (and) 2 acres of meadow. Then as now (semper) it was worth 4 pounds. HuNDRET OF UDELESFORT [UTTLESFORD] CRISTESHALA [Chreshall] was held by Ing- war 8 as i manor and as 6 hides in King Edward's time. Now Count Eustace holds it in demesne (as) of Ingelric's fee (feudo). Then as now (semper) 32 villeins. Then 6 bordars ; now 13. Then as now (semper) 6 fo. 33b serfs and 3 ploughs on the demesne, and 1 6 ploughs belonging to the men. There is wood(land) for 20O swine, and 8 acres of 5 i.e. Dale Hall in Lawford. 6 Compare p. 43 5 above, where Ingelric's aggres- sions at Lawford are differently stated. 7 i.e. Old Hall in Tendring. 8 See Introduction," p. 352. 4/0