Page:VCH Essex 1.djvu/549

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS meadow. There are I rouncey (runcinus), 40 swine, I 50 sheep, 24 goats, and 4 hives of bees. Then as now (semper] it was worth 1 5 pounds. To this manor belong 2 soke- men with (de) 8 acres, and I sokeman with (de) 8 acres whom (quern) Ingelric annexed (occupavit) in King William's time ; on (in) those 8 acres are 4 bordars, and (this) is worth 1 6 pence. To this manor there used to belong (attinebat), in King Edward's time, I sokeman with (de) 3 virgates, who is now held by William Cardun (as belonging) to the fief (feudum) of G[eoffrey] de ' Magna Villa,' 1 and (who) used to pay 2 pence a year. CISHELLA [(Little) Chishall], which was held by Sired, a free man, in King Edward's time, as a manor and as 6 hides and 30 acres, is held of the count by Guy.* Then 5 vil- leins ; now 6. Then 3 bordars ; now 5. Now as then (semper) 6 serfs and 3 ploughs on the demesne, and 5 ploughs belonging to the men, and 8 acres of meadow. (There are) 24 swine, (and) 250 sheep. Then and after- wards it was worth 100 shillings ; and now 6 pounds. CISHELLA [(Little) Chishall] was held by Godric, a free man, in King Edward's time. Now the same Guy holds it of the count as I manor and as 2$ hides. It is worth 60 shillings. There also (In eadem) I free man held half a hide which Ingelric seized (occupavit) in King William's time ; and now Anselm (Enseimus) holds it of the count. In that land are and were (sunt semper) 2 bordars and i plough and 2 acres of meadow. It is worth 10 shillings. ELM[ER]DUNA [Elmdon], which was held by Almar, a free man, in King Edward's time, is held of the count by Roger de Sumeri. And Ingelric seized (occupavit) this manor in King William's time. Now as then (semper) there are 14 hides, 3 and 26 villeins and 1 5 bordars. Then 1 2 serfs ; now none. Then 6 ploughs on the demesne ; and 3 when (the manor was) received ; now 4. Then as now (semper) 10 ploughs belonging to the men. (There is) wood(land) for 250 swine, (and) 7 acres of meadow. (There are) 2O swine, (and) 288 sheep.* It was then 1 He held of Geoffrey the adjoining manor of Great Chishall.

  • This was Guy ' the Angevin,' who was the

under-tenant of the count on his Norfolk manors. 3 This formula is, in Essex, quite abnormal. 4 << cc ov ' et Ixxxviii ov*." The use of this worth 1 6 pounds, and (the same) when re- ceived ; now 2O pounds. LEA [Leebury 5 ], which was held by Bric- tulf, a free man, in King Edward's time, as a manor and as 2^ hides, was afterwards held to. 34 by Ingelric. Now the same Roger (holds it) of the count. Then as now (semper) 5 vil- leins. Then I bordar; afterwards and now 8. Then 4 serfs ; now none. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne ; afterwards and now 2. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men ; and 3 when (the manor was) received ; and now the same (similiter). Wood(land) for 50 swine. Then and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds; now I OO shillings. CRAWELSA [Crawleybury '], which was held, in King Edward's time, by Lefsi, a free man, as 30 acres, and was seized by Ingelric afterwards, is held of the count by the same Roger. Then as now (semper) 2 bordars. Then I serf. Then as now (sem- per) i plough. (There are) 2 acres of meadow. It is worth 10 shillings. HALF HUNDRET OF FROSSEWELLA* [FRESH- WELL] BENEDISC [Bendish (Hall) 8 ] was held, in King Edward's time, by Ledmar the priest 9 as a manor and as 4^ hides. Ingelric held (it) afterwards. Now the count (holds it) in demesne. Then as now (semper) 8 villeins, and 3 bordars, and 8 serfs, and 4 ploughs on the demesne. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men (inter homines) ; afterwards and now 3. (There is) wood(land) for 100 swine and 8 acres of meadow. (There are) 28 swine, (and) 1 1 2 sheep. And I sokeman held I acre and I rood (pertic[atam ; Ingelric annexed (invasit) him, and now the count holds (him). The whole was then worth 1 1 pounds ; now 12. NEWHAM [Newenham lo ] was held, in King Edward's time, by Alsi as I hide ; Ingelric held (it) afterwards. Now the count holds (it) in demesne. Then 6 villeins ; now 9. Then 2 bordars ; afterwards and now 7. Then as now (semper) 6 serfs and 3 ploughs cumbrous phrase may be due to the fact that cc' meant 240, being reckoned by 'the long hundred.' 5 In Elmdon. In Chreshall. 1 ' Hund" de Frossewella dimidium ' (tit). 8 In Radwinter. See p. 348 above. 10 A manor in Ashdon. 471