Page:VCH Kent 1.djvu/208

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A HISTORY OF KENT CissiD^ {continued) Cis bilamellatus, Wood. In boleti and under wood ; taken in profusion by the Rev. T. Wood at IFest IFickham Wood ; not recorded from any other locaHty, either British or foreign Ennearthron affine, Gyll. In small boleti on old trees and stumps ; common — cornutum, Gyll. In fungoid growth on trees ; as a rule very scarce. Cobham Park, Chatham, Sheerness, Darenth JVood, Hawkhurst, West Wkkham (in numbers, T. Wood) Octotemnus glabriculus, Gyll. In boleti, on old stumps, etc. ; common PRIONIDiE Prionus coriarius, L. On trunks of oak trees, also in decaying trees ; rare. Cobham Park, Sevenoaks, Belvedere, Tonbrldge, Folkestone CERAMBYCIDi?: Aromia moschata, L. In decaying willows ; common Hylotrupes bajulus, L. In old posts, etc. ; very rare. Belvedere (T. Wood), Deal Callidium violaceum, L. In decaying fir posts, etc. ; local. Darenth Wood — variabile, L. In decaying trees, occa- sionally at ' sugar ' ; rare. Black- heath, Sydenhatn in numbers (Power), Lee, Cobham Great Wood, Frindsbury, Sheerness, Tonbrldge, Dover — alni, L. In dead hedges, faggots, in woods, on flowers, etc. ; local Clytus arcuatus, L. In decaying trees, old posts, etc. ; rare. Chislehurst (Stephens), Greenwich (West) — arietis, L. In old posts and on shrubs ; common — mysticus, L. On hawthorn blossom, also in old posts and dead hedges ; local but not uncommon Gracilia minuta, F. In dead twigs, old hedges, baskets, etc. ; locally com- mon Molorchus umbellatarum, L. On haw- thorn blossom, etc., also in dead hedges ; rare. Darenth Wood, Syden- ham, Whitstable [Cerambyx cerdo, L. Has occurred at Deptford, but is plainly not indige- nous] Rhagium inquisitor, F. In decaying trees, also on flowers ; common — bifasciatum, F. In decaying trees ; local, but not uncommon Toxotus meridianus, Panz. On Umbelli- ferse, in woods ; not uncommon Cerambycid^ (continued) Pachyta collaris, L. On Umbelliferae, es- pecially in and near hop-gardens ; local but usually common where it occurs. Cobham Park, Chattenden, Wigmore Wood, Bexley, Shooters Hill, Darenth Wood, Tonbridge, Maidstone Anoplodera sexguttata, F. On flowers in woods ; rare. Darenth Wood Leptura scutellata, F. In old stumps of beech and hornbeam ; very rare. Cobham Park — livida, F. On flowers ; rather com- mon Strangalia quadrifasciata, L. On flowers and in rotten wood ; local. Darenth Wood, Cobham Park, Chatham, Sitting- bourne, JVesterham — revestita, L. On flowers ; very rare. Darenth and Birch Woods (S. Stevens) — armata, Herbst. On flowers in woods ; common and generally distributed — nigra, L. On flowers in woods ; local and not common. Darenth Wood, Westerham, Tonbridge — melanura, L. On flowers ; generally distributed and common Grammoptera tabacicolor, De G. On flowers, especially hawthorn ; in woods and hedges ; not uncommon and generally distributed — analis, Panz. On flowers, and oak and elm trees ; rare. Chattenden (Wal- ker), Darenth Wood (Stephens), Westerham (Gorham), Belvedere (T. Wood) — ruficornis, F. On flowers, in hedges and woods ; very common Lamiid^ Leiopus nebulosus, L. In dead hedges, on alders and other trees ; not uncommon Pogonochaerus bidentatus. Thorns. In dead hedges and under bark ; not uncommon but local — dentatus, Fourc. In hazel twigs, old hedges, old ivy, under bark, etc. ; not uncommon Agapanthia lineatocoUis, Don. On thistles and Heracleum ; rare. Darenth Wood and West Wickham Wood Saperda populnea, L. On sallows, poplars, aspens, etc. ; local. Darenth Wood, Chattenden Tetrops prausta, L. In flowers and on old hedges ; rather common and sometimes plentiful Phytcecia cylindrica, L. On flowers of ox-eye daisy, UmbcUifera?, etc. ; rare. Chattenden, Wigmore Wood, §^eendown Warren, Whitstable 158