Page:VCH Kent 1.djvu/209

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INSECTS Bruchid/e Bruchus cisti, F. On Helianthemum vulgare ; not uncommon, but some- what local — canus, Germ. On sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) ; rare. Hailing Downs, Chat- tenden, Chatham, Gravesend, Darenth Wood — pisi, L. In warehouses, in peas, etc. ; not rare ; introduced — rufimanus. Boh. On beans, under bark in winter ; common — affinis, Frol. Imported in beans ; rare. Sydenham, Bearsted — atomarius, L. On flowers ; local but widely distributed — rufipes, Herbst. (nubilus, Boh.). On Leguminosae ; very rare. Gravesend, three specimens, June, 1869 (Power) — loti, Payk. On Lathyrus pratensis, also on Lotus corniculatus ; local but widely distributed — lentis, Boh. On Leguminosx ; rare. Gravesend and Birch Wood (Power) — villosus, F. (ater, Marsh.). On Legu- minosas, Helianthemum, Spartium, etc. ; locally common and widely distributed EUPODA Orsodacna lineola, Panz. (nigriceps, Latr.). On hawthorn blossom, also on sallows, etc. ; rare, Gravesend and Darenth Wood var. humeralis, Latr. On blossom and in decaying wood of haw- thorn ; very rare. Darenth Wood Donacia crassipes, F. On the white water- lily and other aquatic plants ; rare. Tonbridge, Deal — dentata, Hoppe. On aquatic plants ; rare. Sheerness — versicolorea, Brahm. (bidens, Ol.). On aquatic plants ; local. Lee, Deal — sparganii, Ahr. On aquatic plants ; rare. Pegwell Bay, in ditches (Gorham), Sandwich — limbata, Panz. (lemnas, F.). On aqua- tic plants ; local, but widely distri- buted — bicolora, Zach. (sagittariae, F.). On aquatic plants ; local. Lee, Maid- stone, Deal — thalassina. Germ. On Scirpus, Carex, etc. ; rare. Pegwell Bay, Deal — impressa, F. On Carex, etc. ; rare. Maidstone, Sandwich — simplex, F. (linearis, Hoppe). On rushes, etc. ; common — vulgaris, Zach. (typhse, Ahr.). On Typha, Sparganium, etc. ; local and EuPODA [continued) as a rule rare. Lewisham, Pegwell Bay, Deal, Sandwich Donacia clavipes, F. (menyanthidis, Gyll.). On aquatic plants in May and June ; local. Whitstable — semicuprea, Panz. (simplex, F. ; syst. El.). As the preceding ; local. Dover, Sandwich — cinerea, Herbst (hydrochasridis, F.). On Sparganium, Typha, Arundo, etc., in May and June ; rare. Wool- wich — sericea, L. On aquatic plants ; com- mon — discolor, Panz. (comari, SufFr.). On aquatic plants ; rare. Lewisham^ Deal — braccata. Scop, (nigra, F.). On aquatic plants in June ; locally common. Greenwich, Woolwich, Gravesend, Whitstable, Bearsted, Pegwell Bay, Deal — affinis, Kunze. On Carex, etc., in May and June ; local and as a rule scarce. Snodland (locally common), Greenwich, Maidstone, Birchington, Dover Haemonia curtisi, Lac. On Potamogeton pectinatus and Zostera marina, in brackish water near the coast ; locally common, but only found in a few localities. Cuxton, Gravesend, Sheer- ness, Birchington Zeugophora subspinosa, F. On young aspens in woods ; local, but not un- common — flavicollis. Marsh. In woods ; very rare. yf^A/or^ (Hart.), 5^Ar/^ji (Stephens) Lema cyanella, L. (puncticoUis, Curt.). By sweeping in meadows ; as a rule on thistles, especially Cirsium arvense ; local. Chattenden, Darenth Wood, Maidstone — lichenis, Voet. (cyanella, SufFr. nee L.). Marshy places ; very common — melanopa, L. On herbage ; common and generally distributed Crioceris lilii. Scop, (merdigera, F.). On the white lily, in gardens ; very rare. Deptford ; Chattenden, one specimen, 1895 — asparagi, L. On asparagus, in gardens ; locally common Camptosomata Labidostomis tridentata, L. On sallows, birches, oaks, etc. ; rare. Darenth Wood Clythra quadripunctata, L. On oaks, birches and hazels, also by sweeping ; 159