Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/162

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK VVermegai [Wormegay] was held by Tur- chetel as a manor of I ploughland. Then as now 8 villeins and 2 serfs and 8 acres of meadow, and I plough on the demesne, I plough belonging to the men. The fourth part of a mill and 3 fisheries. Then as now 3 cows and 18 swine. Now 60 sheep. Then 4 hives of bees, now 2, ^and i church.^ Then as now (it was worth) 60 shillings : and it is 5 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth, and renders 2 pence of the king's geld of 20 shillings. Wesbruge [Westbriggs ^], (being) 2 plough- lands, was held by the same Turchetel T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 9 villeins and 7 bordars and 4 serfs ; and 2 ploughs on the demesne, half a plough belonging to the men and 6 acres of meadow and half an acre of wood- (land) and I mill. Then 2 rounceys, now I. Then 10 beasts, now 13. Then as now 6 swine. ^One church with ((/t) 5 acres.' Then 120 sheep, now 60. Then as now it was worth 60 shillings. This vill is 5 furlongs in length and in breadth 3, and renders 2 pence of geld in 20 shillings. ToRPELANDA [Thorpland] is held by Bordin (as) I ploughland, which Turchetel held T.R.E. Then as now 5 villeins, 2 bordars, 20 acres of meadow. Then as now I plough on the demesne. Then i plough belonging to the men, now 2 oxen. Then as now 4 beasts. Then 24 sheep, now 80. Then 9 swine, now 10. (There is) i church (with) 6 acres. It was then worth 30 shillings, now 20. This land is i league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth, and renders 8 pence of the king's geld in 20 shillings. Stou [Stow (Bardolph)] was held by the same (Turchetel) T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands. Then and afterwards (there were) 7 villeins, now 2. Tiien as now 15 bordars and 8 serfs and 40 acres of meadow, and I of wood(land). Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne, and i fishery. Then 5 rounceys, now 2 and 26 wild {st hat res) mares. Then 7 cows, now i ; 44 swine. Then 240 sheep, now 160. Then 2 hives of bees, now 14. There belong {adjacent) to this manor 5 men paying {de) all custom and at soke [ad socam). There also belong {adjacent) 17 freemen, bound to the fold {consueti ad faldam) and commended, f. 206b. with {de) 24 acres, and their soke belongs to St. Benet and to Herm[er de Ferrieres]. All this was then and afterwards worth 8 pounds, now 7. (There is) I church (with) 53 acres of land, and worth 3 shillings. WiNEBOTESHAM [VVimbotsham] and Stou [Stow (Bardolph)]. These vills are I league in length and a half in breadth, and render 16 pence of the king's geld in 20 shillings. ' Interlined. ' Part of Wormegay. RiSTUNA [Ryston] is held by Helmer (as) 1 ploughland, which Ketel, a freeman, held T.R.E. Then as now 7 villeins and i bordar and 2 serfs and (a) plough on the demesne. Then half a plough belonging to the men and now (the same), and 8 acres of meadow, half a fishery. Then as now i rouncey. Then 5 cows, now 4. Then 6 swine, now 19 and 108 sheep. Then it was worth 20 shillings, after- wards and now 20. There, too, are 7 sokemen with 21 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow ; then as now i plough ; and it is worth 5 shil- lings. The whole is 4 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth, and renders 4 pence of geld in 20 shillings. Strateseta [Stradsett] is held by Fulbert (as) 2 ploughlands, which Suartinc, a freeman, held T.R.E. Then as now 6 villeins and 2 bordars and I serf ; and 8 acres of meadow, and half a fishery, and 2 ploughs on the demesne. The villeins have 2 oxen. Then as now I rouncey and 2 beasts and 8 swine.' (There is) i church (with) 30 acres.' Then 140 sheep, now 80. There also (are) 13 freemen (vCfith) 210 acres, and I church with 30 acres. Then as now 2 ploughs and 7 acres of meadow. This was given {liheratum) for I ploughland to make up I manor {ad perficiendum unum manerium). All this is worth 4 pounds and 15 shillings. The commendation of those 2 men belonged to the predecessor of (Ralf) Baynard {Baignardi). This vill is 7 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and renders 8 pence of geld in 20 shillings. In Wella [Upwell and Outwell] 6 bordars, and they are included in the valuation {preciati). HUNDRET AND A HaLF OF FrEDERBRUGE [Freebridge] Tilinghetuna [Terrington], i ploughland was held by Turchetel, a freeman T.R.E. Then as now 7 villeins and 7 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now I ; and 24 acres of meadow. Then as now I plough on the demesne, and I plough belonging to the men, and 7 saltpans. Then I rouncey, now none. Then as now 6 beasts. Then 16 swine, now 7. Then 310 sheep, now 315. Then as now it was worth 60 shillings, f. 307. To this (manor) belongs I sokeman (with) 6 acres of land. And it is worth 12 pence. In IsiNGETUNA [Islington] Turchetel holds now as then h ploughlands. Then as now 4 villeins and 1 1 bordars. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, now i. Then as now lialf a plough belonging to the men, and 10 acres of meadow. One church (with) 2 acres, and half a saltpan. Then as now 4 beasts. Then 20 swine, now 3. Then 120 sheep, now 100. Then as now it was worth 60 shillings. To ' Interlined. 128