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HOLDERS OF LANDS this manor belonged T.R.E. and now 15 free- men with {de) 30 acres. Then as now i plough and 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth i 5 shilh'ngs, now 10. Of these his predecessor had the commendation (commendatus), and they could withdraw {recedere) if they gave 2 shillings. Stigand had the soke. William has it now. Then 1 plough, now half a plough and 2 acres of meadow. Then as now 25 sheep and two swine. This is in Torp [ ] . Then and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings and now 50, and above that {iuper eum) 10 shillings. In RuHHAM [Rougham (Weasenham St. Peter^)] In Rynghetona [(North) Runcton] 2 plough- Fulbert holds i ploughland ; he also {idem) held it T.R.E. Then i bordar. Then i plough, now half, and a half could be added ; and it is worth 10 shillings. The soke (is) the king's (and is) in Muleham [Mileham]. The whole of the above (mentioned) Leccham [Litcham] is 8 furlongs in length and 6 in breadth whoever holds there, and (renders) 7^ pence of geld. lands were held by Turchetel a freeman T.R.E. Then as now 1 1 villeins and 7 bordars and 2 serfs ; 30 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and I plough belong- ing to the men, and I J mills. Wood(land) for 20 swine, and 4 saltpans and a third of a fifth. Then as now I rouncey and 4 beasts and 27 swine ; 1 00 sheep. 'One church (with) 30 acres.' To this manor belong 13 sokemen (with) 37 acres. Then as now I plough. Then as now it was worth 6 pounds and 4 shillings. The whole is i league in length and (i league) in width, and renders 12 pence in 20 shillings of the king's geld. And in the same measurement Es WiNic [West Winch] is (included). SCREPEHAM [ShROPHAM] HuNDRET Helincham [(Great) EUingham] is held by Waribold, which Turchetel a freeman held T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands. Then as now 3 villeins, and 2 bordars, and 5 serfs. Wood- (land) for loo swine, 30 acres of meadow. Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne. Then as now 4 rounceys, and 8 beasts, and 6 mares with foals {puUis). Then 20 swine, now 27. Then 120 sheep, now 100. (There is) I church with 20 acres, and 28 sokemen (with) 60 acres, and 6 acres of meadow. Then as now 3 ploughs. Then and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds, now 100 shillings, and the whole is I league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 1 9 pence of geld, whoever holds there. Lawendic [Launditch] Hundret Lecham [Litcham] was held by Turchetel a freeman T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands, for a f. 307b. manor {pro manerio). Then and afterwards (there were) 4 villeins, now 3. Then and after- wards 4 bordars, now 3. Then (and) afterwards 4 serfs, now ( — ), 8 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne and i plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 7 swine. Then as now i mill and 3 sokemen (with) 4 acres and I rood [virgata) of land. Then 2 rounceys. Then 2 beasts, now 3 ; then as now 27 swine. Then 200 sheep, now 220. Half a church (with) 4 acres. To this manor belongs half a ploughland. Then as now 2 bordars and the fourth part of a market. Hundret and a half of Mittefort [Midford] Wineberga [Whinburgh] was held by Tur- chetel a freeman T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands and i^ acres. Then (there were) 9 villeins, now 13. Then 8 bordars, now 12 ; then as now 8 serfs and 4 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now 4. Then wood(land) for 150 swine, now no, and 16 acres of meadow. Then i mill, now 2. Then as now 2 rounceys, and 8 beasts, and 47 swine. Now 100 sheep all but 2 (//■ minus). Then 60 goats : i church (with) 6 acres. And i outlying estate Gerolfestuna [Garvestone] (of) i ploughland. Then as now I villein, and i bordar, and i plough, and 4 acres of meadow, and i rouncey, and 3 beasts, and 44 sheep. It was then worth 6 pounds, now 7. (There is) I church (with) 7 acres. In Girolfestuna [Garvestone] also (are) 19 freemen (with) loo acres of land, 4 ploughs, and 9 acres of meadow. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 55 (shillings) and 4 pence. Of these (freemen) Bordin holds 24 acres, and f. 208. the value, included in the above valuation [valet in eodem pretio), is 4 shillings. From these [Ex hii) the hundret witnesses that his predecessor had no custom except the commendation, and on this [ex hoc) offers proof by the ordeal [offert judicium). And a certain man of Hermer (de Ferrieres) offers (proof by) the ordeal that his predecessor had all the custom T.R.E. except the soke of St. Etheldreda and that he could sell his land. Of this they have given sureties [dederunt vades). The whole is I league in length and i league in breadth and (renders) 35^ pence of geld. And Girofestuna [Garve- stone] is 5 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (renders) 1 3 pence of geld. In Scippedana [Shipdham] Adelelm holds I sokeman (with) 16 acres of land, and it is worth 4 shillings. Interlined. • See Blomefield, Hist. o/Norf. x, 1 1, 80. 129