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HOLDERS OF LANDS longing to the men, now 2 ; and 8 acres of meadow. Wood(Iand) for 30 swine. Then as now 6 beasts and 6 swine and 1 2 goats. Then and afterwards it was worth 20 shillings, now 30. HUNDRET OF TaVERHAM [TaVERHAM] In Faltorp [Felthorpe] Godwin held 20 acres. Then as now (there were) I villein and 8 bor- dars. Then as now (there was) half a plough, and 2 acres of meadow. And it is worth 10 shillings. This (estate) belongs to [jacet in) Havinkelanda [Haveringland]. HuNDRET OF SuD ErPINCHAM [SoUTH Erpingham] ScoTOHU [Scottow] was held by Ketel T.R.E. (as) 2 ploughlands and a half ; now Roger holds f. 934b. it. Then as now (there were) 8 bordars and 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then (there was) I plough belonging to the men and now the same, and 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine. And (there was) then the third part of a mill. Then (there were) 3 swine, now 4 ; and 20 sheep, and 3 hives of bees. And (there are) 6 sokemen (with) 42 acres of land. Then as now (they had) 3 ploughs. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 40. To this manor Wihenoc added 2 sokemen of St. Benet with (dij 18 acres of land whom (Roger) also (idem) holds. Then (they had) I plough, now a half. And they are included in the above valuation. In Inghewurda [Ingworth] i freeman of Harold (had) half a ploughland, whom (guos) (Roger) also [idem) holds. Then as now (there were) 6 bordars, and i plough on the demesne, and I plough belonging to the men, and 2 soke- men (with) 4 acres, and 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine and half a mill, and 30 sheep. And it is worth 15 shillings. And it is 10 furlongs in length and 8 in breadth, and (renders) 1 3 pence of geld. In ToRTUNA [ ' ] Herlwin holds half a ploughland. Then as now (there were) 5 bor- dars and I serf, and I plough on the demesne, and half (a plough) belonging to the men ; 4 acres of meadow. And it is worth 10 shillings. There also 2 sokemen of Harold of Caustuna [Cawston] (have) 60 acres of land and 2 bordars. Then as now (they had) i plough and 3 acres of meadow. And they are worth 1 2 shillings. And (Tortuna) is half a league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 7 pence of geld. In Banincham [Banningham] Roger holds 1 villein of Caustuna [Cawston] (with) 16 acres, worth 2 shillings. This Wihenoc seized (/«- vasit) ; and the same villein rendered 5 shillings in Caustuna [Cawston]. ' ' Middletons ' in Booton and Witchingham. See f. 225 above. HuNDRET [of] ToNESTEDA [TuNSTEAD] In Slaleia [Sloley] (Roger) also {idem) holds 20 acres which Scheit held in the demesne {dominio) of Scotohou [Scottow]. Then as now (there was) 1 villein ; and it is included in the valuation of Scotohou [Scottow]. In Urdestada [Worstead] he also [idem) holds 3 acres and (it is included) in the same valuation. All the churches are (included) in the valuation with the manors. Hundret of Norwic [Norwich] Ewicman held i^ ploughlands T.R.E. under Stigand, and 16 acres of pasture [pastura) and 7 acres of meadow. Now Reynold son of Ivo (has it). Then and afterwards (there was) I plough, now 2, and lOO sheep. Then as now it was worth 30 shillings. XXII. THE LAND OF RALF DE TOESNI Toenio] Hundret of Grenehou [South Greenhoe] Nechetuna [Necton] is held by Ralf which Harold held T.R.E. Then, and now as then [semper) (there are) 32 villeins and 1 1 bordars and 6 serfs and 4 ploughs on the demesne, and 10 be- longing to the men. Wood (land) for 1,000 swine ; 20 acres of meadow, and i mill, and 1 saltpan. When he received it (there were) 4 rounceys, and now (there are) 19 beasts and 100 swine, and 100 sheep and 85 goats. (There is) I church with [de) 36 acres and it is worth 36 pence. And 5 sokemen dwell [manent) there, having 5 ploughs. And it is i mile [m') in length and a half in breadth, and renders in geld 9 pence when the hundred scots [scotat) 20 shillings.* And (there is) i sokeman in Bradenham. Then as now (he had) half a ploughland and I plough. And under him (are) 8 sokemen holding half a ploughland. Then as now (they had) I plough. (There is) wood(land) for 20 swine (and) 4 acres of meadow. And in Pichenham [Pickenham] (is) i out- lying estate [heruita) (with) 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards (there were) 8 villeins, now 5, (and) now 2 bordars. Then and afterwards (there was) I plough belonging to the men, now a half. And 6 sokemen, occupy- ing [super) 20 acres, have i plough. (There is) wood(land) for 20 swine (and) 4 acres of meadow. When he received it he found 2 rounceys, and 18 swine, and 36 sheep, and now (there is the same number). 'There is i church (with) 1 7 acres worth (MS. silva ad) ly pence.^ And ' Inj. Elien. (Hamilton, p. 149). 'In Nectona the monks of Ely claim i ploughland in demesne against Ralf de Todeneia, and the hundret bears them mt- ness. In Caldecote half a ploughland in the same manner.' ' Interlined. 159