Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/194

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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK (there is) another outlying estate which they call Cressingaham [Cressingham, (Great ?)]. Then (there were) and now (there are) 5 villeins and i bordar and 2 serfs ; I plough on the demesne, and 2 sokemen (with) 2 ploughs among them all {inter omnes). (There is) wood(land) for 8 swine (and) 3 acres of meadow, i mill (and) I fishery. Then as now (there was) I rouncey and 2 beasts, 60 sheep, less 2. ^ (There is) I church with 15 acres ; it is worth 15 pence.^ And in Little Cressingaham [Little Cress- ingham] (is) another outlying estate. Then as now (there were) 20 villeins and 7 bordars, 4 serfs. (There were) 2 ploughs on the demesne then as now, and 6 ploughs belonging to the men. And 6 sokemen had 2 ploughs, and (still) have them. (There are) 10 acres of meadow (and) I mill. When he received it (there were) 2 rounceys, and now 31 swine, 32 sheep, (and) 6 beasts. And it (Little Cressingham) is i mile in length and a half in breadth, and renders in geld 3 pence. In Caldachota [Caldecote] (is) another out- lying estate where the king has soke and sac, (containing) I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins, 2 bordars, i serf, and 3 sokemen. Then (there was) I plough on the demesne, now a half, (and) I plough belonging to the men. When he received it (there were) i rouncey (and) 60 sheep, -now (there are) 24 sheep. And it is f. ajsb. half a league in length and 4 furlongs in breadth, and renders in geld, with those who hold in it, 5 pence. In Culestorpa [? Colveston *] (are) 3 soke- men, of whom the king had soc and sac. And they have i ploughland, and i plough and I bordar. In Bodeneia [Bodney] (are) 4 sokemen (with) 1 ploughland, and i plough and i villein, (and) 2 acres of meadow. And over them the king has soke and sac, and from I mill 8 pence. All this (land in Greenhoe) together [simul) rendered Harold [h') 6 nights' farm [nodes de firma). Now it renders 60 pounds by weight {ad pemum). HuNDRET OF GrIMESHOU [GrIMSHOE] In Esterestuna [Sturston] a freeman holds 30 acres of land. Then (he had) half a plough. It was then worth 2 shillings, now 12 pence. Wanell'nd [Wayland] Hundret In Cherebroc [Carbrooke] Harold held 3 ploughlands T.R.E. (as) an outlying estate of {beretvita in) Nechetuna [Necton]. Then as now (there was) 1 plough on the demesne. Then (there was) I villein, then as now 1 3 soke- men and I serf, 16 acres of meadow, and ' Interlined. ' Blomcfield (ix, 164.) says this is Custhorp near West Acre. Compare ' Sculatorpa ' (f. I44i^). 2 ploughs belonging to the men ; wood(land) for 300 swine. Then (there was) i rouncey ; and 3 cows, and 9 swine. And it is included in the valuation of Neketuna [Necton]. Lawendic ^Launditch] Hundret In Frouuesham [Fransham] (were) 16 soke- men of Harold {Heroldi) T.R.E. (with) 3 plough- lands. Then as now (there were) 12 bordars and 6 acres of meadow. Then (there were) 3 ploughs, now 4 ; wood(iand) for 60 swine. Then as now i mill. And it is included in the valuation of Neketuna [Necton]. Eudo son of Clamahoc had i ploughland of these 3 by livery {liberatione) as long as he lived, and Ralf de Bell- fago held it {eandem). Now Ralf de Toeni has it in [N]eketuna [Necton] to which it be- longed («^»ya«;>) T.R.E. In Dunham [Dunham] i sokeman of Harold had 30^' acres of land T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 4 bordars, then as now i plough. And this is included in the valuation of Neke- tuna [Necton]. In GoDuic [Godwick] i freeman of King Edward (held) i ploughland T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 6 villeins and 7 bordars, and 9 acres of meadow. Then as now (there were) 2 ploughs, wood(land) for 200 swine, and I soke- man (with) 4 acres of land. And it is included in the valuation of Neketuna [Necton]. And it is 6 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth and f. 236. (renders) 6 J pence of geld. This land Ralf holds in Neketuna [Necton], but it did not belong to Neketuna T.R.E. nor in Harold's {Heroldi) time. And Roger Bigot claims {revocat) it (as) of the king's gift and calls on (the king to warrant him as his) feoffor {revocat Uberatorem). Hundret of Clakeslosa [Clackclose] In SciNGHAM [Shingham] 2 freemen of Harold (/f ) (held) 80 acres of land T.R.E. Then (they had) I plough, now a half, and they belong to Naketuna [Necton]. Hundret and a Half of Fredrebruge [Free- bridge] In Waltuna [Walton, (East)] (are) 2 sokemen of Acre [Acre, (West)] (with) 30 acres (of land) and 5 bordars. And it is included in the valua- tion of Nachetuna [Necton]. Acre [Acre, (West)] was held by Harold T.R.E. (as) an outlying estate in Nechetuna [Necton] (containing) 3 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 6 villeins and 8 bordars and 2 serfs and 4 acres of meadow. Then as now (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, and I plough belonging to the men, wood(land) for 40 swine, and 3 mills and a half {dimus) and i ' ' J ' interlined. 160