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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK and I mill, and half a fishery {piscina), and 3 beasts. Now 50 sheep. Then 40 swine, now 20, and 2 hives of bees. And (there are) 5 free- men by commendation under him (with) 10 acres of land. Then as now they had all half a plough. Then and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings, now 50. And it is I league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth and (renders) 8 pence of geld. Mundaham [Mundham] is 20 furlongs in length and 10 in breadth and (renders) 2 shillings of geld. In LoTNA [Loddon] Humfrey holds under R[obert] half an acre of land which St. Benet of Holm {de Holmo) claims : and the hundred bears witness that it was St. Benet's in demesne. HUNDRET OF SuD ErPINCHAM [SoU TH Erpingham] In Bernincham [(Little) Barningham] i free- man held 82 acres of land. ^ Brant holds it of R[obert].^ Then as now (there were) 5 bor- dars and one plough on the demesne, and half belonging to the men, and 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 15 swine. And it is worth 10 shillings. And it is 7 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (renders) 3I pence of geld. HuNDRET OF DePWADE ScELTUNA [Shelton], which Alduin, a freeman of Stigand, held, is held by Nigel (as) 30 acres. Then as now (there was) I villein, and 9^ bor- dars, and i plough on the demesne, and i plough f. 260. belonging to the men, and 2 acres of meadow. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 20. In Sterstuna [Tharston] (Nigel) also {idem) holds I ploughland (which was held by) I free- man. Then as now (there was) I villein, and 5 bordars, and I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men (and) 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 4 swine and I mill. And (there is) l freeman (with) 2 acres, and 1 rouncey and 3 beasts. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 20. Stratuna [Stratton], which i thegn held T.R.E., is held by Humfrey (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 17 bordars, and 2 ploughs on the demesne. And (there were) then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards 2, now I : (and) 6 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 6 swine. Then as now I rouncey, and then 5 swine, now II. Then 10 sheep, now 26 ; and 6 goats. And (there are) 7 free- men (with) 17 acres, of whom his predecessor had the commendation T.R.E., and he has held them instead of {pro) land. Then (they had) I plough (and) I acre of meadow. It was then worth 30 shillings, now 40. Fridetuna [Fritton] is held by Gifart, which was held by Olketel, a freeman of Edric of Lax- field {Laxefelda) the predecessor of Robert Malet, (as) 30 acres and 3 bordars. Then and after- wards (there were) 2 ploughs. Then 16 swine, now 8. Then 6 beasts and 60 sheep, now no- thing. Then as now half a plough belonging to the men, i^ acres of meadow (and) fold-soke. And 7 men who could sell their land if they had first offered it to their lord. And they have 14 acres. And i freeman (has) 4 acres (and) now as then half a plough. Then as now it was worth 25 shillings. And it is i league in length and half in breadth, and (renders) 9 pence of geld. William Malet was seized of this land when he went into the Fens {ivit in maresc[oi]). Gnaveringa [Clavering] Hundret In Hatescou [Haddiscoe] he also holds {tenet idem) I sokeman of Stigand (with) 30 acres and 3 bordars, and then i plough, and 4 acres of meadow. And under him 2 sokemen (have) 4 acres and half a plough. It was then worth 5 shillings, now 11. In Iarpestuna [ ] (there is) i soke- man of St. Edmund (with) 46 acres and 2 bor- f. a6ob. dars. Then (there was) i plough, now 2 oxen. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 10. XXXVI. THE LANDS OF RANULF BROTHER OF ILGER^ Hundret of Suderpincha[m] [Soi;th Erpingham] In Erpincha[m] [Erpingham] Humfrey holds I ploughland which was held by Bund, a free- man of Harold. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins and 9 bordars and I plough on the demesne and I (plough) belonging to the men and 2 acres of meadow. And (there was) then I rouncey, and 3 beasts. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 20. Hundret of Consteda [Tunstead] In Haninga [Honing] (Humfrey) also {idem) holds I ploughland (which) I freeman (held) T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 8 villeins and I bordar and I plough on the demesne, and 1 plough belonging to the men and 9 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 4 swine. Then as now I mill and 3 beasts and 3 swine ; and 2 soke- men (with) 15 acres of land and I plough, and 2 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 20 shillings. St. B[enet of Holme] (has) the soke. (In) Suafelda [Swafield] (there are) 18 acres (and) 2 freemen. Then as now (they had) Interlined. In margin f r=^fecit retornum ; see Introduction, p. 2. 182