Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/217

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HOLDERS OF LANDS half a plough and half an acre of meadow : and they are worth i6 pence. In RiDLiNKETUNA [Ridlington] (there are) 1 6 sokemen (with) 120 acres of land. Then as now (they had) 5 ploughs and I acre of meadow. And they are worth 20 shillings. HuNDRET OF HaPINGA [HaPPING] Walecota [Walcot] is also {idem) held (by Humfrey) which Edric, a thegn, held T.R.E, (as) 4 ploughlands and 6 acres. Then as now (there were) 8 villeins and 16 bordars. Then and afterwards (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then as now 2 ploughs be- longing to the men, 8 acres of meadow, and 1 mill. Now 2 rounceys. Then 3 beasts, now 16. Then 4 swine, now 24. Then 80 sheep, now 70 ; and 4 hives of bees. (There is) I church (with) 20 acres, and it is worth 20 pence. f. 261. And ~^ freemen by commendation only (with) 7 acres are also [idem) held (by Humfrey). Then and afterwards (they had) 2 ploughs, now 2^. And he also [idem) holds 4 freemen, who were added to this manor in King William's time (with) 90 acres. And they [quoi) were added by Ranulf brother of Ilger, and Humfrey holds them. Then (they had) 3 ploughs, now 2|-, and they were worth 15 shillings. Of two his predecessor had only the commendation, and of one Robert Malet's predecessor in like manner [similiter). The king and the earl (have) the soke. And the manor was then worth 40 shillings, now 60. And it is one league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 15 pence of geld, whoever holds there. HuNDRET OF HoLT In Edisfeldam [Edgefield] Humfrey holds 2 ploughlands, which Bond, a freeman of Harold, held T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 2 vil- leins and 7 bordars and 2 serfs. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men. Wood(land) for 100 swine, 5 acres of meadow (and) i mill. Now 2 rounceys. Then 7 swine, now 23. Then 7 sheep, now 80. Then 13 goats, now 21. Then a hive of bees, now 2. And (there are) 17 soke- men with [de) 24 acres of land. Their ploughs are included in the above total [hti sunt in superius car"). It was then worth 30 shillings, now 40. And it is i league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 9 pence in geld. In EsTODEiA [Stody] Humfrey [idem) holds I freeman (formerly) Harold's, now Ro[bert]'s,^ with [de) 2 ploughlands, as [pro) a manor. Then as now (there were) 8 villeins and 7 bordars and I serf, and 2 ploughs on the demesne, and i^ ' Probably a mistake for ' Ranul/'s.' ploughs belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 40 swine, 6 acres of meadow (and) 3 mills. Then (there were) 2 rounceys, now I : now 9 beasts. Then 5 swine, now 12. Now 40 sheep. Then 60 goats, now 25 : and 3 hives of bees ; and 4 sokemen with [de) 16 acres and half a plough. It was then worth 30 shillings, now 40. To this manor belong [pertinent) 25 acres and half a plough in Laringaseta [Letheringsett]. This is included in the valuation of the manor [Appretiata est cum manerio). 65 — 120 — 90.' f. 261b. XXXVII. THE LANDS OF TEHEL' HuNDRET OF EnsFORD [EyNESFORd] GuTHEKETUNA"' [Guton], which Lefstan, a freeman, held T.R.E., is held by Osbert (as) 4 ploughlands. Then and afterwards (there were) 9 villeins, now 4. Then and afterwards 1 7 bordars, now 1 5 ; and 2 serfs. Then and afterwards (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then as now 4 ploughs belonging to the men, and 30 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine, and i mill. Then as now 4 rounceys. Then 8 beasts, now 14. Then also [et) 14 hives of bees. And he also [idem) holds 18 sokemen (with) 113 acres of land, and i bordar. Then and afterwards (they had) 4 ploughs, now 3 ; and 3 J acres of meadow. The king and the earl (have) soke over the whole [totum). Then and afterwards it was worth 4 pounds, now 6 pounds. And it is i league in length, and a half in breadth ; and renders 7 pence towards (/n) the king's geld. Hundret of Sud Erpincham [South Erpingham] In Caletorp [Calthorpe] Gueric and Osbert hold I ploughland, which was held by Lestan, a freeman. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins and 8 bordars, and I plough on the demesne, and

ploughs belonging to the men : 6 acres of 

meadow. Wood(land) for 15 swine. The third part of a mill. 'Then 3 rounceys.' Then 13 beasts, now I. Then 30 swine, now 10. Then 7 hives of bees, now 2. It was then worth ' 20 shillings,' now 30. BoTUNA [Booton] is held by the same persons [idem homines) (as) I ploughland ; a sokeman of Harold (held it) T.R.E. Then as now (there ' These figures are jotted down at the bottom of the page, but what they referred to is not clear ; possibly the acreage of the holdings of the freemen and sokemen. If so 65 is probably a mistake for 70. ' In margin f=^fecit retornum ; see Introduction, p. 2

  • In Brandcston ; Blomefield, viii, 195.

Repeated. '83