Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/541

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In LuDHAM [Loudham] a freeman under the said Edric's commendation (held) 8 acres, worth l6</. ScoTESHAM [Shottisham] Walter the cross- bowman {arbalastarlui) holds of Robert Malet, which Osmund a freeman under Edric's com- mendation held T.R.E., viz. 44 acres as a manor, and i bordar. Then i plough, now half a plough. 2 acres of meadow. Then worth 20s., now os. It is 7 furlongs long, and 4 broad. And in geld (pays) i^^d. A church with 13 acres, worth 32^. In the same (vill) 12 freemen under Edric's commendation and 3 under the commendation of Godric of Peyton (held) 80 acres. Then 3 ploughs, now i^ ploughs. And i acre of meadow. Then worth i6f., now 20s. This Walter the crossbowman holds of Robert Malet. Uffeworda [UfFord] Gilbert de Witsthant [Wishant] holds of Robert Malet, which Almar a freeman held as a manor T.R.E. under com- mendation half of Edric and half of Saint Ethel- dreda, viz. 60 acres. Then 4 bordars, now 2. Then i^ ploughs, now half a plough. 4 acres of meadow. And i mill. Then as now worth 101. In the same (vill) 9 freemen under the said (Edric's) commendation except 2 who were them- selves under Saint Etheldreda's commendation (held) 25 acres and 2 acres of meadow. Then fol. 324^1. as now I plough. Then worth, as afterwards and now, 41. In Alretuna [Alderton] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 8 acres, worth 16a'. In WiKHAM [Wickham (Market)] 4 freemen under the said (Edric's) commendation T.R.E. (held) 16 acres, worth i2d. In SuGGENHOU [Sigenhoe in UflFord] a free- man under Edric's commendation (held) 20 acres. Half an acre of meadow. Worth ibd. In Uffeworda [Ufford] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 6 acres, worth i2d. In Bulges [Boulge] i^ freemen under Edric's commendation (held) 3^ acres, worth bd. This Gilbert holds of Robert Malet. In Benges [Byng] Walter de Caen holds of Robert Malet a freeman Godric (formerly) under commendation to Edric with 40 acres and 1 bordar. Then as now I plough. Then as now worth 7J. And (there were) 2 freemen under him with 12 acres and half a plough, worth 2s, In Berdefelda [Bredfield] (were) 2 freemen under Edric's commendation with 27 acres. Then half a plough, now none. Worth 31. and ^d. In LuDHAM [Loudham] a freeman Morewin held as a manor 40 acres, half under Saint Ethel- dreda's commendation, and half under Edric's, and I bordar. Then as now i plough. And under him (were) 14 freemen" with 40 acres and 5 acres of meadow. Then 2 ploughs, now i. Then as now worth 20s. This Walter de Caen holds of Robert Malet. It is i league long, and 7 furlongs broad. And in geld (pays) 2jd. In SuTTUNA [Sutton] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 13 acres of land. Then half a plough, now 2 oxen. Worth ibd. This Hubert holds of Robert Malet. In Bromeswella [Bromeswell] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 16 acres, worth iGd. A church with 6 acres, worth bd. This Hubert holds of Robert Malet. In HuNDESTHosT [ ] William holds of Robert Malet 2 freemen under commendation with 22 acres. Worth 2s. and 4^. Horepola [Harpole] Robert Malet's mother holds, which Huna a freeman under Edric held T.R.E. as a manor, viz. 100 acres and 4 bordars. Then i^ ploughs, now i plough. 5 acres of meadow. 8 swine, 30 sheep. Then and always worth 201. Ill the same (vill were) 10 freemen under Edric's commendation. And 4 in Wikham [Wickham (Market)]. Over 2 Saint Ethel- dreda had half the commendation and Robert fol. 325. Malet's predecessor half. 29 acres. Then i plough, now half a plough. Then as now worth ^od. In Suttuna [Sutton] Robert Malet holds in demesne a freeman under Edric's commendation with 16 acres and half a plough. Worth 41. In Horepola [Harpole] a freeman Bond under half commendation to Edric (held) 15 acres and half a plough (and) i J acres of meadow. Worth 5i. This Robert Malet's mother holds. In Stituna [(?) Sutton] 3 freemen under Edric's commendation (held) 44 acres. Then 2 ploughs, now half a plough. One acre of mea- dow. Then worth 51., now 41. This Gilbert Blund holds of Robert Malet. In Ufforda [UfFord] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 8 acres and I acre of mea- dow. This is included in the valuation of Dingifetuna [Bennington]. " The freemen appear to have been divided be- tween Edric and St. Etheldreda, as the notice of this holding in the Inq. El. (p. 163) runs, 'And 7 free- men under him with 20 acres and 5 acres of meadow. Then i plough, now a half. Worth loi.' 463