Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/542

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK In WiLEFORDA [Wilford] a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 2 acres, worth d. In the same (vill are) 30 acres, and they belong to Holeslea [Hollesley] and (are included) in its valuation. In LuDHAM [Loudham] a freeman under Edric (held) 8 acres. (This is included) in the valuation of Dingifetuna [Dennington]. In Bredefella [Bredfield] a freeman under Saint Etheldreda's commendation (held) 6 acres, worth I2d. And Norman holds of Robert Malet. In HoREPOLA [Harpole] a freeman holds 3 acres, worth "jd. HUNDRBT OF LOSA [LOEs] Stauertuna [Staverton "] Hubert holds of Robert Malet, which Edric of Laxfield held as a manor, viz. 4 carucates T.R.E. Then 14 villeins, now 9. Then 6 bordars, now 15. Then 4 serfe. Then on the demesne 4 ploughs, now 2 ; and 2 might be made up again. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 30 swine, i mill. And 2 beasts, I2 swine, 80 sheep, 20 goats, and 4 hives of bees. Then it was worth bit., now 4//. A church with 10 acres, worth 2od. It is i^ leagues long and half a league broad, and (pays) 22d. in geld. In the same (vill) (were) 13 freemen under commendation of Edric of Laxfield with 57 acres, and 3 acres of meadow. Then 2 ploughs, now I J. Then it was worth lox., now a like sum. This Hubert de Monchensey (Monte Canesei) holds of Robert Malet. In Ketelbiria [Kettleburgh] Humphrey holds of Robert Malet a freeman (formerly) under Edric's commendation T.R.E. with lOO acres of land as a manor, and 3 bordars. Then and now I plough. 3^ acres of meadow. 4 beasts, 7 swine, and 30 sheep. Then it was worth 10s., now 15/. fol. 325*. In Munegadena [Monewden] a freeman held as a manor 1 carucate of land T.R.E. under commendation of the same Edric. Then 2 bordars, now 3. Then 2 ploughs, now i. And belonging to the men half a plough. 3 acres of meadow. Then 3 beasts, now none. Now 6 goats. Then it was worth 40J., now 30J. The same Humphrey holds (this). And (there is) a freeman under him with 5 acres, worth lod. It is I league long, and 4 (furlongs) broad. And (pays) gd. in geld. " In Butley. In Wudebryge [Woodbridge] a freeman under commendation to Robert Malet's predecessor (held) 20J acres and half a plough. It was worth $s. and 8d. This the same Humphrey holds. (At) Framalingaham [Framlingham] Edric of Laxfield held T.R.E. 4 score and 14 acres as a berewick. Then as now 2 villeins, and 4 bordars. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs. And belonging to the men i (plough). Wood(land) for 4 swine. 2 acres of meadow. Then as now i rouncey, 4 beasts, 4 swine, and 5 hives of bees. And it is included in the valu- ation of Dingiuetuna [Dennington]. And a half freeman under Edric's commenda- tion (held) 4 acres included in the valuation (of Dennington) above. And in the same (vill was) a half freeman- Brihtnoth under the same (Edric's) commendation with 2 acres ; and (this) Robert Malet hold& in demesne. In the same (vill) Walter de Caen holds of Robert Malet (the land) which a sokewoman leva under Edric's commendation (held) T.R.E.> viz. 80 acres as a manor. Then as now i vil- lein, and 4 bordars. And i plough on the demesne. And belonging to the men i plough. Wood(land) for 4 swine. 4 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 131. and ^.d., now a like sum. And a freeman Turchetel under the said (Edric's) commendation (held) 4 acres, worth 2s. This the same Walter de Caen holds. In Dalingahou [Dallinghoo] a freeman half under Edric's commendation and half under Saint Etheldreda's (held) 13 acres, and half a bordar, and half an acre of meadow. Worth 2s, and 8d. And the same William holds. In Framelingaham [Framlingham]. a freeman under Edric's commendation (held) 2 acres, worth 8d. It belongs to {in) Dingiuetuna [Dennington]; and (Robert Malet) holds (this) in demesne. fol. 326. In Haetcetuna [Hacheston] 12 whole free- men and 9 half (freemen) under Edric's commen- dation T.R.E. (held) 60 acres and 28 (sic) and 6 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, now i^ ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. And they are included in the valuation of Dingiuetona [Dennington]. And (this Robert Malet) holds in demesne. In Rennesham [Rendlesham] 4 freemen under Edric's commendation (held) 33 acres, and i bordar. Then i plough, now half a plough. Half an acre of meadow. And 2 freemen under them with 2 acres ; and they are included in the valuation of Dingiuetuna [Dennington]. 464