Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/545

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS 19. Then as now 3 Then and afterwards the men, now 8. to of land and 20 acres. Then and afterwards 12 villeins, now 16. Then and afterwards 16 bordars, now 15. Then as naw 2 serfs. And 4 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 12 ploughs belonging to the men, now 9. Wood- (land) for 160 swine. And I park. 20 acres of meadow. And then 2 rounceys, now I. And 20 beasts. Then 60 swine, now 40. Then 40 goats, now 30. Now 30 sheep. Then as now 5 hives of bees. A church with 40 acres of free land and half a plough. Then worth 14//'. and now the like. It is i league and 2 furlongs long, and 6 (furlongs) broad. And (pays) lod. in geld. (At) Tatintuna [Tannington] the said Edric held 8 carucates of land. Then and after- wards 13 villeins, now 15. Then and after- wards 17 bordars, now ploughs on the demesne. 12 ploughs belonging Wood(land) for 200 swine. 20 acres of meadow. And II beasts. Then 16 swine, now 60. Then 16 sheep, now 20, and 20 goats, and 3 hives of bees. A church with 30 acres and half a plough. Then as^now worth 14//'. It is i league and 3 furlongs long, and i league broad. And (pays) lod. in geld. Richard holds of this manor 30 acres, worth lOi., included in the same valuation. Garin (holds) 24 acres, worth 5/., included in the same valuation. fol. 328^. (At) Laxefelda [Laxfield] Edric held 6 carucates of land and 80 acres. Then 14 vil- leins, afterwards 8, now 3. Then and after- wards 14 bordars, now 37. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards 3, now 2. Then and afterwards 14 ploughs belonging to the men, now II. Wood(land) for 260 swine. 27 acres of meadow. And 5 beasts. Then 40 swine, now 30, and 6 sheep, and 24 goats. A church with 43 acres and half a plough. Then worth 15/:'., now 8/V. It is i^ leagues long, and i league broad. And (pays) d^d. in geld. And Walter holds of this manor 3 villeins with 50 acres, worth 20J., included in the same valuation. Loernic (holds) 40 acres, worth los,, included in the same valuation. (At) Badincham [Badingham] the same Edric held 9 carucates of land. Then 4 villeins, now 21. Then as now 26 bordars. Then and after- wards 10 ploughs on the demesne, now 5. Then 7 ploughs belonging to the men, now 5. Wood- (land) for 100 swine. 20 acres of meadow. Then i rouncey. Then as now 15 beasts. Then 40 swine, now 32, and 20 sheep, 60 goats, and I hive of bees. A church with 60 acres and I plough and I bordar and I acre of mea- dow. Then worth 15//., now 10//'. It is I league and 6 furlongs long, and i league broad. And (pays) lod. in geld. Walter holds of this manor 100 acres and 2 villeins and 6 bordars and 2 ploughs, worth 30J., and included in the valuation of lo/t. Loernic holds 40 acres in the same valuation. Robert 40 acres in the same valuation of I Of. {sic). And Edric has [sic] soke and sac. (At) Berdefelda [Bedfield] Godwin held T.R.E. as a manor 4 carucates of land. Then 18 bordars, now 23. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 9. Wood(Iand) for 200 swine. 9 acres of meadow. Then 2 rounceys, now i. Then 9 beasts, now 20. Then 40 swine, now 60, and 83 sheep. Then It is 6 furlongs long, and 5 3^^. in geld. worth bit., now 7//. broad. And (pays) At Stetebroc [Stradbrokc *"] Edric held T,R.E. 5^ carucates of land. Then and after- wards 16 villeins, now n. Then 11 bordars, now 30. Then 1 1 ploughs on the demesne, after- wards 6, now 5. Then and afterwards 12 ploughs belonging to the men, now 5. And 12 ploughs might be restocked. And Wineberga [ ? Wing- field *'] is a berewick included in the same account and valuation. All together 20 acres of fol. 329. meadow, Wood(land) for 400 swine. Then 3 rounceys. Then 16 swine, now 30, And 30 sheep. Two churches with 40 acres and half a plough. And 17 sokemen (with) i caru- cate of land and 3 ploughs. Wood(land) for 40 swine. 5 acres of meadow. Over these soke- men the sac and soke is in Hoxa [Hoxne] the Bishop's manor ; and Edric held half of it of the Bishop. Then worth 14//'., now 16//. And Walter holds of this manor 2 sokemen with 40 acres worth 8i., included in the same valuation. Robert de Glanville 4 with 20 acres, (worth) 51., in the same valuation. And Walter son of Gripp I with 15 acres, (worth) 30<f., in the same valuation. Loernic i with 20 acres worth 3^.^ in the same valuation. Edric (had) the soke and sac. It is 2 leagues long, and i league broad. And (pays) 14^^. in geld. Others have holdings therein. In Horam [Horham] a freeman, Aluric, (held) by commendation I carucate of land. Then as now 3 villeins, and 4 bordars. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. And i plough belonging to the men. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 30 swine. And 1 rouncey, 9 beasts, 9 swine, 40 sheep, 30 goats, and 2 hives of bees> And 2 freemen (with) 1 7 acres by commenda- tion and half a plough. Then worth 401., and

  • ' Afterwards held of the honour of Eye : Feud..

Aids, V. 62. " Held with Stradbrokc in 1 3 1 6 : ibid. 3 7. 467