Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/546

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now the like. And Robert de Glanville holds (this) of Robert Malet.

In Wilebey [Wilby] Loernic holds 20 acres, which the said Aluric held. One bordar. And it is included in the above valuation. It (i.e. Horham) is 12 furlongs long, and 4 furlongs broad. And (pays) 10½d. in geld.

In Cibbehala [Chepenhall[1]] 9 freemen (held) by commendation 2½ carucates of land. Then as now 17 bordars. And 9 ploughs. And 12 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 300 swine. Then worth 100s., now 6li. Half a church with 20 acres and 1 plough. It is 2 leagues long, and 1 broad. And (pays) 15d. in geld. The soke is in Hoxa [Hoxne] the Bishop's (manor); but Edric used to hold half of it of Bishop Ailmar. Of this manor Walter holds 4 sokemen with 1 carucate of land, (worth) 30s, and included in the valuation of the 6li. Robert's mother (holds) 3 sokemen with 80 acres, (worth) 45s., included in the same valuation. Humfrey 1 (sokeman) with 20 acres,

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worth 5s., in the same valuation. Walter son of Gripp 1 (sokeman) with 120 acres, worth 40s., in the same valuation.

In Weibrada [Weybread] 1 freeman under commendation held 2 carucates of land, which Humfrey holds as a manor. 10 bordars. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now 1½. 10 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 60 swine. And 1 mill. And 1 rouncey, 4 beasts, 30 swine, 30 sheep, and 4 hives of bees. And a freeman (with) 20 acres and half a plough. Then worth 30s., now 50s. This the said Humfrey holds. The soke is in Hoxa [Hoxne]. Half a church with 8 acres (and) half a plough, worth 26d.

In the same (vill) the said Humfrey holds 3 freemen under commendation (having) 91½ acres and 17 bordars. Then 3 ploughs, afterwards and now 2. And 6 acres of meadow. Then as now 1 mill. And three (fourth) parts of another. Worth 40s. The soke is in Hoxa [Hoxne].

In Menham [Mendham] a freeman under commendation (held) 1 carucate of land and 5 bordars. And 1 freeman under him (held) 3 acres. Then as now 1 plough on the demesne. Then 2 ploughs, now 2 oxen. 5 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 100 swine. A church with 8 acres, and the eighth part of another with 5 acres.

In the same (vill) was a sokeman with 12 acres. Then worth 25s., now 30s. And the said Humfrey holds (this). The soke is in Oxa [Hoxne].

In Weibrada [Weybread] (were) 6 freemen, and the said Humfrey holds 5, and Walter 1; worth 10s., 72 acres, and 5 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, now 1. And 4½ acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 14 swine. Then as now 1 mill. Worth 17s.

In Weibrada [Weybread] the said Humfrey holds 3 sokemen with 90 acres and 2 bordars. Then 2½ ploughs, and now 1 ox. 4 acres of meadow. Wood(Iand) for 20 swine. And 1 mill. Worth 15s., now 25s. and 6d.

In Horam [Horham] Walter de Caen holds of Robert Malet 3 freemen under commendation with 60 acres and 2 bordars. Then as now 1 plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 6 swine. Worth 12s.

In Horam [Horham] Walter son of Grips holds of Robert Malet 2 freemen with 1 carucate

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of land and 30 acres and 5 bordars. Then as now 2½ ploughs. And 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 28 swine. Then as now worth 25s. and 4d.

In Citiringa [Chickering in Wingfield] the same (Walter holds) 3 freemen under commenda- tion with 36 acres. Then 1 plough, now half a plough. And 1½ acres of meadow. Worth 6s.

In the same (vill) the same (Walter holds) 1 freeman under commendation with 60 acres. Then 1 plough, now half a plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 6 swine. Then worth 10s., and now (the same). Over him his (? Malet's) predecessor had commendation, and had the land in pledge (vadimonio) for 60s.

In Badingefelda [Bedingfield] the said Humfrey holds of Robert Malet a freeman under commendation with 84 acres and 8 bordars. And a priest by sub-commendation (with) 6 acres. And 2 ploughs. And 1 acre of meadow. Wood(land) for 10 swine. And under him 6 freemen with 25 acres and 1 plough. Worth 22s. and 8d.

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Hundret of Bradamera [Bradmere]

At Bernham [Barnham] Stannard holds of Roger Bigot 1 carucate of land which Ailwin of Thetford (de Tedforte) held as a manor T.R.E. Then as now 6 bordars, and 1 serf. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. And half a plough belonging to the men. 2 acres of meadow. Then as now 1 mill. Then 2 rounceys, now 1. Then 3 beasts, now 6. Then as now 14 swine. And 12 forest mares (eque silvatice). Then 160

  1. In Fressingfield.