Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/612

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK men. 7 acres of meadow. And i mill. Then 1 rouncey, now 2. Then 4 beasts, now 10. Then i swine, now 52. Then 80 sheep, now 100. Then 4 goats, now 40. Then worth 30;., now 40s. Pagan holds. The whole (vill) is I league long, and half a league broad. And (pays) I2i. in geld. In Hauerhella [Haverhill] Fredebern a freeman held 5 bordars. And they had 80 acres. And i plough on the demesne. And 2 oxen belonging to the men. And 2 acres of meadow. Then worth 135. and 4</., now 15 J. The said Pagan holds. In Haningehet [Hanchett *'*] Alwine a free- man held 100 acres and i bordar, and i plough, and 2 acres of meadow. Then worth los., now I5»' fol. 396A. In Urdresfelda [Withersfield] Woolmar a freeman held 5 1 acres and i bordar and half a plough and an acre of meadow. Worth Ss. The said Pagan holds. In the same (vill) a freeman Leuiara (held) 1 00 acres and i bordar and i plough. Worth 20J. Goddard holds. In the same (vill) a freeman Alwin (held) 3 carucates of land, and 2 villeins and 1 1 bor- dars and 3 serfs. And 3 ploughs on the demesne. Then 1 plough belonging to the men, now half a plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 20 swine. Then 2 rounceys, now 3. Then 22 beasts, now 20. Then 60 swine, now 45. Then 60 sheep, now 123. Then 60 goats, now 57. Then as now worth 60s. Wilard holds. The whole (vill) is i league long, and half a league broad. And (pays) 6d. in geld. In Wratinga [Wratting] a freeman Albern (held) 3 carucates of land. And 5 villeins, and 10 bordars. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, now 2. Then as now 1 plough belonging to the men. And 1 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. And i mill. Then 2 rounceys, now 3. Then 9 beasts, now 13. Then 24 swine, now 48. Then 60 sheep, now 700. And 6 hives of bees. And under him (were) 9 freemen with half a carucate of land. Then half a plough. And i acre of meadow. A church with 13 acres. Then worth 505., now 60J. In Cileburna [Chilbourne '^'] Godwin a freeman held 2 carucates of land, i villein, and 4 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, now i. And 6 acres of meadow. And 1 mill. Then as now I rouncey. Then worth 40*., now 501. Geoffrey son of Hamon holds. In Poslingeorda [Poslingford] a freeman Edric (held) 35 acres. And half a plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Worth Ss. Loher holds. In BoiTUNA [Boyton "*] a freeman Ulgar (held) 8 acres. Worth ibd. Ralph holds. In the other Boituna [Boyton] Almar a freeman held 24 acres. Worth 4^. W. Peret holds. In Hauokeduna [Hawkedon] Alwin a free- man (held) 40 acres. And half a plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Worth 6s. and 8</. Folk- ered holds. In Cloptuna [Clopton] (was) a freeman Roc with 13 acres. Worth 2s. William Pecche [Peccatum) holds. In Bradeleia [Bradley] were then as now 2 freemen with 69 acres. And i acre of meadow. Then as now 1 plough. Worth 171. and 6d. fol. 397. In Tridlauua [Thurlow] 10 freemen then as now (held) i carucate of land. And i plough. And i acre of meadow. A church with 29 acres. Worth ioj. The whole (vill) is I league long and i furlong broad. And (pays) lid. in geld. In KiDiTUNA [Kedington] lo freemen then as now (held) i carucate of land. And 2 ploughs. Worth 20s. In Hauerhella [Haverhill] 13 freemen then as now (held) i carucate and 60 acres of land. And 1 1 ploughs. Wood(land) for 7 swine. And they were worth 3 Of. In Wedresfelda [Withersfield] 9 freemen (held) i^ carucates of land. Then as now 2^ ploughs. They were then worth 20x., now 3 Of. In Stoches [Stoke-by-CIare] 21 freemen then as now (held) i carucate (and) 68 acres of land. Then i^ ploughs, now 2 ploughs. And 10 acres of meadow. They were then worth 20;., now 3 1 J. and 4<f. A church with 60 acres, worth los. In Poslingewrda [Poslingford] 6 freemen then as now (held) 85 acres. And 3 bordars. And 4 ploughs. Worth 141. and 3*/. In Wicham [Wickhambrook] a freeman then as now (held) 60 acres. And 2 bordars. And I plough. And 4 acres of meadow. Worth i ox. In Stratesella [Stradishall] 16 freemen then as now (held) i carucate of land. Then as "' In Withersfield.

  • " In Bamardiston.

In Stoke-by-Claie. 534