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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS Then as now half a plough. Then worth 51., now 6s. and 6d. The soke (is) in Bcrcolt [Berg- holt]. In BuRGHESTALA [Bursfajl], Aluric Stari, Guert's man by commendation, held 40 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then as now 2 bordars. Then i plough, now half a plough, 2 acres of meadow. Worth Ss. In BoiTUNA [Boyton ^*"J Leuestan, Fin's free- man by commendation, held T.R.E. 50 acres. Then as now 3 bordars. Then 1 plough, now half a plough, and 3 acres of meadow. Then worth lOJ., now iij. and 5^/. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In Toft [ ] Alwin, freeman under commendation to Esgar Stalre, (held) 20 acres. In the same (vill) Aluiet a freeman (held) 8 acres. Then as now half a plough. Then worth 51., now gj. and /^^. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Berg- holt]. In Reindune [Raydon] Leuric, a freeman, held 30 acres as a manor. Then as now half a plough, and 2 acres of meadow. Then worth 5J,, now I IS. and $d. All this Richard holds in demesne. fol. 395A. And in Hecham [Higham *"'] Godric, a free- man, held I carucate of land as a manor T.R.E. Then as now i villein, '•Jid 2 bordars, and i plough on the demesne, and 6 acres of meadow. A church (with) 4 acres. Then worth 20s., now 25J. Osbern holds (it). Of all these freemen Phin, the predecessor of Richard, had nothing T.R.E. except of one alone by commendation only. The soke of the whole is in Bercolt [Bergholt], and Richard holds them (as belonging) to the Honour of Phin. (At) Fresetuna [Freston] Robert son of Wimarc held T.R.E., and Roger de Arbernum holds, 6 carucates of land as a manor. Then as now 24 villeins, and 4 bordars. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 6. 8 acres of meadow, and I mill. A (quedam) church. Then 1 1 beasts, now 3. Then 40 swine, now 3. Then 140 sheep, now loi. Then worth 8 //'., now 1 1 //'. and i oj. i league long, and half a league broad, and it pays lod. in geld. The same Robert (had) the soke. In Burghestala [Burstall] Leuric, by com- mendation to Earl Algar, T.R.E. (held) 17 acres. Worth 31. This Richard claims (as "* In Bergholt and Bentley ; Copinger, Suff. Rec. "' Formerly ' Hegham,' held of the Earl of Glou- cester in 1346 ; Feud. Aids, v, 50, belonging) to Fin's land. Ulmar holds it of Richard. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. RiSEBRUGE [RiSBRIDGeI HuNDRET These are the freemen who T.R.E. could sell and give their land. Wisgar, Richard's prede- cessor, had (over them) commendation and soke and sac, except the 6 forfeitures of Saint Edmund. In Stanesfelda [Stansfield] Edric Spucla, a freeman, held 2 carucates of land. And 2 bor- dars, and 3 serfs. Then as now 2 ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. Now 14 beasts. Then 4 sheep, now 80. And 25 swine. Then worth 40;., now 60s. This Gilbert holds. In the same (vill) Ulflet, a freeman, held i carcuate of land. Then as now i plough. And 4 acres of meadow. Then worth 20x., now 30;. Robert holds. In the same (vill) Crawa, a freeman, (held) 60 acres of land. And i serf. Then as now I plough. And 3I acres of meadow. Then as now I mill. Then worth los., now 151. This fol. 396. Roger holds. A church with 15 acres of free land. Stenesfelda [Stansfield] as a whole is 12 furlongs long, and 6 broad. And (pays) 13^^. in geld. In Depdana [Depdcn] Brictric Blac, a free- man, held 2 carucates of land. Then as now 7 bordars, and 1 serf. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then half a plough belonging to the men. And 3 acres of meadow. Now i roun- cey. Then 7 beasts, now 14. Then 15 swine, now 30. Then 37 sheep, now 80. Now I o goats. And 3 hives of bees. Then as now worth 60s. Frodo the Abbot's brother holds. In the same (vill) 2 fi-eemen, Blacwin and Godwin, (held) 2 carucates of land, and 3 bor- dars. Then i^ ploughs, now 2. And 3 acres of meadow. Then i rouncey. Then as now 6 beasts. Then 16 swine, now 26. Then 40 sheep. Then worth 30^,, now 50J. Osbern holds. In Cloptuna [Clopton '"] Leviet, a freeman, holds i^ carucates of land, and i villein, and 1 bordar, and 3 serfs. Then t plough, now 2 ploughs. And 4 acres of meadow. Then as now I rouncey, and 10 beasts. Now 34 swine, and 83 sheep. Then worth 20J., now 301. Roger holds (over him). In Vratinga [W ratting] Goda, a freewoman, held 2 carucates and 30 acres of land. Then as now 9 bordars. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. And half a plough belonging to the "' In Wickhambrook. 533