Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/638

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK fol. 424^. serfs. Then as now on the demesne 2 ploughs, and then 5 ploughs belonging to the men, now 4. 12 acres of meadow, now I mill. Wood- (land) for 16 swine. Then 3 rounceys, now 5. Then 24 beasts, now 20. Then 40 swine, now 27. Then 300 sheep, now 212. Then 16 goats. Then 6 hives of bees, now 12. Then it was worth 40J., now the like. It is 1 league long, and 5 furlongs broad, and (pays) (>d. in geld. In the same (vill is) i church with 36 acres. Worth 3^. And a freeman, Godric by name, held 16 acres and i bordar, and half a plough, and I acre of meadow. Worth 2s, In Waldingafelda [Waldringfield] Brihtmar, a freeman, T.R.E. held i carucate of land as a manor, and i bordar. Then 2 ploughs, now I, And I mill. Then i rouncey. Then 100 sheep, now 27. Then it was worth 20x., now los. It is 6 furlongs long and 3 broad and (pays) 5</. in geld. In the same (vill) 5 freemen under commen- dation half to Brihmar and half to his mother (held) 40 acres and i plough. Worth 41. In Prestetuna [ ] 10 freemen under commendation half to Brihmar and half to Quengeva his mother, and one of them was under half commendation to Saint Etheldreda, held I carucate of land. Now (there are) 9 bordars under them. Then 4 ploughs, now 2. i acre of meadow. Then it was worth 20;., now 10s. It is 6 furlongs long and 3 broad, and (pays) td. in geld. In Haspelega [Haspley] 5 freemen under commendation, like the others, to the same Brihmar, (held) I carucate of land, and 5 bordars, and 3 ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. Then it was worth 30J., now 20s. One of these was half Edric's man and half Norman's man. Two of them were under commendation to Quengeva T.R.E. It is 6 furlongs long and 3 broad, and (pays) $d. in geld. In Nebrunna [Newbourn] (were) 1 6 freemen under commendation to Brictmar and Quengeva T.R.E. and 2 under half commendation to Saint Etheldreda," with i carucate and 40 acres of land, and under them 14 bordars. Then 4 ploughs, now 3. i^ acres of meadow. Then it was worth 40^, now 20s. I church with 12 fol. 425. acres, worth i td. ; and it was Norman's, witness the Hundred. It is 6 furlongs long and 5 broad, and (pays) "j^d. in geld. In KiNGESLANDA [ ] ^^ (there is) i carucate of land, waste land [guasta terra), worth "" ' 2 halffreemen,Torketel and Goda'; /«^. El. 149. "' There vyas- a Kingshall Manor in Clopton ; Coping'er, Suffi Rec. 2s. It is 4 furlongs long and 3 broad, and pays 5«/. in geld. All this W. de Nemore holds of Ranulf, Ilger's brother. In Aluredestuna [ ] Durand, a freeman, Robert Malet's predecessor, held T.R.E. I carucate and 80 acres of land ; now Ivo holds it of Ranulf, brother of Ilger, as a manor. Then as now 7 villeins and 3 bordars. Then on the demesne 2 ploughs, now I. Then as now 3 ploughs belonging to the men. 4 acres of meadow, and I mill, and 3 beasts, and 50 sheep. A church with 12 acres, worth I2d. Then it was worth 4//., now 6oj. It is 6 fiir- longs long, and 4 broad, and (pays) lod. in geld. And in Gepeswiz [Ipswich] is i vacant bur- gage [mansura) and another occupied, and it renders 8(/. In Haspelega [Haspley] (are) 7 acres and they are (included) in the valuation of Almelega [Almeley]. In Eduluestuna [ ] are 9 acres. Worth 2s. In Bulges [Boulge] Uluric a villein (holds) 4 acres. Worth 2)d. Babenberga [Babergh] Two Hundrets In Walingafella [Waldingfield] Uluric King Edward's thegn held i carucate of land ; now Ranulf holds it as a manor by gift of King William, with soke and sac. Then as now i villein, and 3 bordars. Then and afterwards i plough, now 2 among them all. And 4 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 beasts. Then 12 swine, now 16. Then 20 sheep, now 30. Then and afterwards it was worth 30X., now 40^. Sanfort [Samford] Hundret (At) Branham [Brantham] Aluric de Wen- hou held 2 carucates of land. Then and after- wards 4 villeins, now 2. Then i bordar, now 8. Then 2 serfs, now I. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now I. Then as now I plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 1 2 swine. 5 acres of meadow, and i salt- pan, and I mill. Then i rouncey. Then as now 12 beasts, 24 swine, and 60 sheep. Worth 40J. Aluric (had) the soke under Harold. Roger (holds) of Ranulf, fol. 425^. XL. LANDS OF ROBERT SON OF CORBUZZO TiNGOU [Thingoe] Hundret Brocle [Brockley] Richard holds, which Saiard a freeman under Saint Edmund T.R.E. ?6o