Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/639

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS within the soke of Saint Edmund held, but could not sell ; half a carucate of land. And i plough. And i^ acres of meadow. Then worth loj., now 15J. Babenberga [Babergh] Two Hundrets SoMERLEDETUNA [Somerton] Roger holds, which Stakker held under King Edward of glorious memory ; I carucate of land as a manor in King Edward's soke. Then as now 2 bordars. Then 4 serfs, now I. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now I. And 3^ acres of meadow. Now 10 beasts. Then 15 swine, now 8. Then 60 sheep, now 50. Now 5 goats. Then and afterwards it was worth 30^., now 4.0s. SaNFORT [SaMFORDJ HuNDRET AND A HALF (At) Wenham [Wenham] Auti the thegn held T.R.E. as a manor 3 carucates of land. Then 9 villeins. Afterwards and now 6. Then and afterwards 4 bordars, now 1 4. Then as now I serf. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs on the demesne, now half a plough. Then 5 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards 4, now 3. 11 acres of meadow. Then wood(land) for 10 swine. Then as now i mill. A church with 20 acres of free land. Then as now half a plough. Then 2 rounceys, 4 beasts, and 20 swine, now nothing except 23 sheep. Then and afterwards worth 6//., now 1 005. Auti had soke over his own demesne, and the soke of the villeins was in Bercolt [Bergholt]. Girard holds of this manor 30 acres, worth 51., and they are (included) in the same valuation. In Wenham [Wenham] Godwin a freeman held 10 acres, and his holding has been added to this manor, and is worth 2s. The soke was in Bercolt [Bergholt]. It is I2 furlongs long, and 6 broad, and (pays) 2s. in geld. Hundret of Carleford [Carlford] In Barchestuna [ ] ^^^ Depekin, a freeman, under commendation to Harold held I carucate of land as a manor. Then 6 bordars, now 4. Then on the demesne I plough, now none. Then 7 ploughs belonging to the men, now none. 5 acres of meadow, and 6 sheep. fol. 426. Then it was worth 20J., now 12s. It is 6 fur- longs long and 4 broad, and (pays) 3^. in geld. Half Hundret of Cosfort [Cosford] In Watefelda [Wattisfield] i sokeman of Saint Edmund (held) 100 acres. Then i plough 83. Occurs as ' Barkestone ' in 1 346 ; FeuJ. JiJs, v. afterwards half a plough, now none. Worth lOx. Berard the Abbot's man holds (this land) of the Abbot, Sanfort [Samford] Hundret (At) ToRiNTUNA [Thorington] '" Alwin a freeman of Stigand's T.R.E. (held) 2 carucates of land as a manor. Then and afterwards 6 villeins, now 4. Then and afterwards 2 bordars, now 5. Then 2 serfs, afterwards and now i. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now 2. 20 acres of meadow. Then as now I mill. A church (having) 50 acres of free land. Now 1 rouncey, and 6 beasts. Then 4 swine, now 30, and 20 sheep, and 30 goats. Then as now worth 50J. The same (man) had the soke under Stigand. It is 6 furlongs long and 4 broad, and (pays) ^d. in geld. Gifard holds of Robert. XLI. LANDS OF WALTER THE DEACON Half Hundret of Cosfort [Cosford] (At) Bilestuna [Bildeston] T.R.E. Queen Edith held 6 carucates of land as a manor. Then as now 14 villeins, and 6 bordars, and 8 serfs. And 3 ploughs on the demesne, and 3 ploughs belonging to the men. 20 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 10 swine. And 3 rounceys, 10 beasts, 40 swine, and 80 sheep. A church with 40 acres, and I plough, and i acre of meadow. Then it was worth 8//., now 10//'., but it ren- ders 12/i. It is I league long and half a league broad. And pays 5</. in geld, Claindune [Claydon] Hundret (At) Sujnlanda [Swilland] Queen Edith T.R.E. held 2 carucates and 40 acres of land as a manor. Then as now 6 villeins, and 6 bor- dars, and I serf. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. And 3 ploughs belonging to the men. 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 6 swine. A church with 5 acres. And i rouncey, 8 beasts, and 19 swine. Then 60 sheep, now 100. Then it fol. 426^. was worth 505., now yos. It is 6 fiirlongs long and 4 broad. And (pays) 20i/. in geld. Walter holds (this) in demesne. The Queen (had) the soke. In TuROLUESTUNA [Thurlston] a freeman (held) 16 acres and 4 bordars. Then as now half a plough. And i acre of meadow. Worth 2s. and 8d. Half a church with 5 acres. In Westrefelda [Westerfield] Almar a free- man held 30 acres and 4 bordars. Then as now 561 In Stoke-by-Nayland. 71