Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/126

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A HISTORY OF SURREY Of the Rhyacophilidae, Rhyacopbila dorsalis, Curt., is recorded from Haslemere, and is common at swift parts of a brook near Surbiton ; Agapetus comatus, Pict., from Ripley commonly ; A. fuscipes, Curt., from Ripley, Send and the White Falls Leatherhead. The Hydroptilid<z are only represented by Hydroptila sparsa, Curt., from the river Mole near Box Hill ; by Ithytrichia lamellaris, Eaton, from Weybridge ; and by Orthotricbia angustella, McLach., from Kingston-on- Thames. HYMENOPTERA ACULEATA Bees, Wasps, Ants, etc. This section of the Hymenoptera is exceedingly well represented in Surrey, 312 species being recorded out of the 384 which have hitherto occurred in Britain ; of these, three species have up to the present been recorded from this county only : Psen concolor, Dhlb. ; Crabro scutellatus, Schev. ; Crabro clypeatus, Linn. ; but in all probability they are not peculiar to Surrey, and will occur elsewhere, as other counties are more thoroughly worked. Surrey has perhaps had more attention paid to it entomologically than most counties, as many of its best localities are within easy reach of London, and have been the favourite hunting-grounds of entomologists for many years. The Bagshot Sands districts have been especially well worked, and curiously enough all the three species so far peculiar to the county are from localities on this formation. Four or five years ago several other species had Surrey records only, but they have been discovered elsewhere. Pompilus minutulus, for instance, which one might quite have expected to be peculiar at least to sandy localities, has been found in the chalky district of St. Margaret's Bay in Kent. In fact, in the present state of our knowledge, it is very dangerous to attempt to limit the distribution of the species of this order, and there is no doubt that it is much more general than in such orders as Coleoptera and Hemiptera, as may be inferred from the larger proportion of this order found in Surrey, though the collectors of Coleoptera and Hemiptera are more numerous than those of the Hymenoptera. The Ghrysididez are added to this section as a supplement by the Rev. F. D. Morice, as although they are not generally included in the Aculeata they are more closely allied to them than to any other group. HETEROGYNA FORMICID* (continued) FORMICID.S Lasius do. race alienus. Less common Formica, L. than type, but generally distri- rufa, L. Not rare in sandy districts buted sanguinea, Latr. Weybridge (Morice), umbratus, Nyl. Generally distri- Woking, Chobbam (Saunders), Shirley buted (Rothney) flavus, De Geer. Common and gener- fusca, L. Generally ally distributed do. race cunicularia / distributed Tapinoma, Fcerst. Lasius, Fab. erraticum, Latr. Chobham, Weybridge, Generally distributed GuUdford, Shirley, and near Croy- - niger, L,. don 84