Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/120

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE it is hoped that our list may be enhanced by the addition of many other species which most certainly inhabit the county unobserved. For purposes of comparison a table is given showing the total number of known British species and also the number which have been found in Warwickshire : Cox's groups Britain, 1897 Warwickshire, 1902 7IO I9C I7O 67 Qf CJ. Brachelytra 777 480 681 760 Lamellicornia QO j"* 4.C 76 77 Malacoderma QI j/ C2 S7 28 Longicornia J / S7 10 Phytophaga (with Bruchidae) 2$6

  • 7

171 Heteromera (with abnormal Coleoptera) . Rhyncophora (with Anthribidae) 118 526

  • j*

42 217 Total . . 3264 1663 In compiling the following list of Warwickshire Coleoptera it has been thought that a few particulars as to the habits and times of appear- ance of the insects might be of interest to entomologists, and a brief note has therefore been given with each species. In the case of species which occur commonly throughout the dis- trict it has not been considered necessary to detail every record, therefore a note as to general habitat and distribution has been given. Where no authority is given for a record the insect has in every instance been taken in that locality by the author. In all the other cases the authority is given after the localities. The entomologists mentioned in the following list are as follow : W. G. Blatch, F.E.S. (ob. 1900) ; Rev. J. H. Bloom, M.A., Whit- church Rectory ; A. H. Martineau, F.E.S. , Solihull ; F. A. Jackson, A.I.E.E., Tonbridge ; A. J. Chitty, M.A., F.E.S. ; the late J. A. Power, M.D. The nomenclature adopted is that of the Catalogue of British Coleoptera by Sharpe and Fowler, 1893. CICINDELID/E Cicindela campestris, L. Found throughout the county, especially in sandy places. March to July CARABID^ CYCHRINA Cychrus rostratus, L. Not abundant ; January to December. Erdington (Blatch), Knirwle, Solihull CARABINA Carabus catenulatus, Scop. Found chiefly in hilly districts ; January to De- cember. Sutton Coldfield (Blatch), Knowle nemoralis, Mull. Abundant throughout the county ; January to December violaceus, L. Widely distributed, but not so abundant as the preceding ; January to December