Page:VCH Warwickshire 1.djvu/96

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A HISTORY OF WARWICKSHIRE Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh.) acetabulum (Neck.) saxatilis (L.) Physcta parietina (L.) var. lychnea (Ach.) var. polycarpa (Ehrh.) ciliaris (L.) pulverulenta (Schreb.) var. pityrea (Ach.) stellaris (L.) var. tenella, Scop. var. caesia (Hoffrn.) Pannaria pezizoides (Web.) nigra (Huds.) Squarnaria saxicola (Poll.) Placodium murorum (HofFm.) citrinum (Ach.) Lecanora vitellina (Ach.) candelaria (Ach.) - glaucocarpa/ pruinosa (Sm.) varia (Ehrh.) - atra (Huds.) - sulphurea (Hoffm.) - circinata (Pers.) - subfusca (L.) - galactina (Ach.) - calcarea^ Hoffmann! (Ach.) - parella (L.) /. pallescens (L.) rupestris/. calva (Dicks.) - albella (Pers.) - aurantiaca (Lightf.) - ferruginea (Huds.) - cerina (Ehrh.) - pyracea (Ach.) / ulmicola (DC.) arenaria (Pers.) - sophodes (Ach.) Pertusaria communis (DC.) fallax (Pers.) Phylictis agelaea (Ach.) Thelotrema lepadinum (Ach.) Urceolaria scruposa (L.) Lecidea ostreata (Hoffm.) lucida (Ach.) flexuosa/ aeruginosa (Borr.) dubia (Borr.) quernea (Dicks.) viridescens (Schrad.) parasema (Ach.) canescens (Dicks.) myriocarpa (DC.) grossa (Pers.) tricolor (With.) - Ehrhartiana (Ach.) - alboatra (Hoffm.) /. epipolia (Ach.) pachycarpa (Duf.) endoleuca (Nyl.) - rubella (Ehrh.) - cupularis (Ehrh.) Opegrapha atra (Pers.) - varia (Pers.) - vulgata, Ach. - lyncea (Sm.) Arthonia lurida (Ach.) - astroidea (Ach.) - Swartziana (Ach.) - pruinosa (Ach.) Graphis elegans (Sm.) - scripta (Ach.) f. varia (Leight.) var. serpentina (Ach.) - dendritica (Ach.) - sophistica var. pulverulenta (Sm.) Verrucaria epigaee, Pers. viridula (Schrad.) - gemmata (Ach.) - epidermidis (Ach.) var. analepta (Ach.) - biformis (Borr.) - nitida (Weig.) THE FUNGI The following list of the fungi of Warwickshire is an attempt to place on record all that has been done towards this study by past and present workers so far as the writer's knowledge extends. This list, though an extensive one, cannot claim to be complete. Only portions of the county have been worked, and those portions far from exhaustively. The attempt has been made to determine the species, as understood by Withering and Purton, by comparing their descriptions and quoted figures with the latest views of Fries, and the writer believes this has been done satisfactorily. Advantage has been taken of the extensive series of coloured illus- trations of fungi from the neighbourhood of Kenilworth and Warwick which is now in the British Museum. These were executed by the late 58