Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/381

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michelagnolo buonarroti.

tinguished bj bis compositions of all kinds, both in Latin and the vulgar tongue, to the extent which we all know, and which will be further made manifest to the world by his future efforts.[1] But what shall I say, or what can I say, that will not be too little, of the ability, goodness, and foresight displayed by the very reverend Signor Prorector, Don Vincenzio Borghini? if it be not that, with him for their chief guide and counsellor, the highly distinguished men of that Academy and Company succeeded to perfection in the solemnization of those obsequies. Por although each of them was capable of effecting much more in his particular branch of art than he was called on to accomplish on that occasion; yet can no undertaking be brought to a successful conclusion unless one sole head, in the manner of an experienced pilot and captain, have the direction and government of the work.

Now the whole city could not sufficiently examine the above-named preparations in one day, it was therefore decided, by command of the Signor Duke, that the ornaments should remain, and the Church continued thus adorned during several weeks, for the satisfaction of his people, as well as for that of the strangers who came from the neighbouring places to see it. The multitude of epitaphs, and verses in Latin and Italian composed in honour of Michelagnolo by many able men, are not repeated here, because they would fill a book of themselves, and have besides been printed by others. But I will not omit to say, that after all the honours above described, the Duke commanded that a place of sepulture should be given to the master in Santa Croce, the Church in which Michelagnolo had desired to be buried, that being the place of burial of his ancestors. To Leonardo, the nephew of Michelagnolo, his Excellency gave all the marbles for the tomb of his uncle, which the able sculptor, Battista Lorenzi, was commissioned to construct, after the designs of Georgio Vasari; the same artist having also to execute the bust of Michelagnolo.

Three statues are to adorn this tomb, to be executed, one by Battista Lorenzi, one by Giovanni dell’ Opera, and the third by Valerio Cioli, Florentine sculptors, who are now occupied with the same, and these figures, together with the

  1. The vast learning of Salviati has been justly eulogized, but his unfair and pedantic criticism of Tasso greatly diminished his reputation.