Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/382

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lives of the artists.

tomb, will soon be finished and in their places. The work is at the cost of Leonardo Buonarroti, with the exception of the marbles; but his Excellency, that nothing may be wanting to the honour of so great a man, proposes to place his bust[1] with an inscription, in the Cathedral, wherein there are the busts and names of many other distinguished Florentines.[2]


[born 1490—died 1570.]

Having hitherto treated of such of our artists as are no longer in life among us, from 1200 that is to say, down to the current year 1567, and having, for many reasons, placed at the last Michelagnolo Buonarroti, although two or three have died since his departure, I have now considered that it cannot be other than useful to make mention of many noble artists still living, but well meriting to be enumerated among those already recorded. And this I do the more willingly, because all are my friends and brethren, while the three principal are so far advanced in years that few more labours can now be hoped for from their hands, although custom induces them still to continue working. After these I will also briefly name those who, under their discipline, have attained the first places among the artists of the present day; with a few others, who are proceeding to the acquirement of perfection in their art.

  1. This intention was never fulfilled.
  2. For the numerous details respecting Michael Angelo, which the short space allotted to the notes of the present volume have rendered it impossible to add in the course of this biography, the reader is referred to Condivi, Duppa, and the other authorities as above cited. Fea, Notizie, &c., may also be consulted with advantage, as may likewise Manni, Addizioni Necessarie, &c., &c., Florence, 1774; Hautcorne, Vie de Michael Angelo Buonarroti, Paris, 1783; Alcune Memorie di Michael Angelo Buonarroti, &c., Rome, 1823; and the Onologia scientifico-letteraria, di Perugia, for 1834. See also D’Agincourt, Lanzi, Cicognara, &c.
  3. Primaticcio and the artists following him being still alive when Vasari wrote, he does not say their Lives,” but “Description of their Works.”