Page:Vaticanism (Gladstone, 1875).djvu/132

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magnus Apostolus prsecepit. Itaque beatissimum Papam Nicolaum tanquam organum Sancti Spiritus habentes,[1] necnon et sanctissimum Hadrianum Papam, successorem ejus, definimus atque sancimus, etiam omnia quæ ab eis synodice per diversa tempora exposita sunt et promulgata, tam pro defensione ac statu Constantino])olitanorum ecclesiæ, et summi sacerdotis ejus, Ignatii videlicet, sanctissimi Patriarchæ, quam etiam pro Photii, neophyti et invasoris, expulsione ac condemnatione, servari semper et custodiri cum expositis capitulis immutilata pariter et illæsa."

The Canon then goes on to enact penalties.

APPENDIX H (p. 76).

It appears to me that Archbishop Manning has completely misapprehended the history of the settlement of Maryland and the establishment of toleration there for all believers in the Holy Trinity. It was a wise measure, for which the two Lords Baltimore, father and son, deserve the highest honour. But the measure was really defensive; and its main and very legitimate purpose plainly was to secure the free exercise of the Roman Catholic religion. Immigration into the colony was by the Charter free: and only by this and other popular provisions could the territory have been extricated from the grasp of its neighbours in Virginia who claimed it as their own. It was apprehended that the Puritans would flood it, as they did: and it seems certain that but for this excellent provision, the handful of Roman Catholic founders would have been unable to hold their ground. The facts are given in Bancroft's 'History of the United States (Bancroft),' vol. i. chap. vii.

I feel it necessary, in concluding this answer, to state that Archbishop Manning has fallen into most serious inaccuracy in his letter of November 10 (p. 6), where he describes my Expostulation as the first event which has overcast a friendship of forty-five years. I allude to the subject with regret; and without entering into details.

  1. In the Greek, ibid. p. 1167, ὡς ὄργανον τοῦ ἁγίου Πνεύματος ἔχοντες.