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V. Compounds. The Last Member of Compounds. 151

dhanvan- (VS.) 'having a hundred bows; strsdn- 'head' (not siras-) in a-sirsdn- 'headless', tri-itrsdn- 'three-headed' ^, f. rurii-sirsn-T- 'having the head of a Ruru antelope' 3; hfd- 'heart' (not hfdaya-) in its long-grade form -hard- in dur- Mrd- (AV.) 'ill-disposed' and su-h&rd- 'good-hearted'.

a. Sometimes an alternative stem is used which has not been preserved as an independent word; thus -jnu- 'knee' (weak form oi jdnu-) in asitd-jiiu- (AV.) 'dark-kneed', »«VaV««- 'firm-kneed'*; an qA ^.tva. -medhas- xa. su-medhds- 'wise' and puru-midhas- (SV.) 'wise' beside the regular compounds in -medha- (from medha- 'wisdom') such as puru-midha- 'having much wisdom'; -tvacas-^ 'skin' in sUrya-tvacas- (AV. VS.) 'having a skin bright as the sun' and hiranya- tvacas- (AV.) 'having a golden skin', beside tvac- in sUrya-tvac- and hiranya-tvac-.

254. Transfer stems. — Some four stems appear in certain forms changed to stems in -as from a misunderstanding of the nom. -s in -as (as in su-prajd-s); thus from prof a- 'offspring', d-prajas- (AV.) 'having no off- spring', and su-prajds-^ 'having good offspring', ida-prajas-^ (MS. i. 5 J) 'descendant of Ida'; from ksa- 'dwell', divd-ksas- 'living in heaven'; from da- 'give', dravino-dds- 'bestowing wealth'; from dha- 'put', vayo-dhds- (AV. VS.) 'bestowing strength' and uarco-dhds- (AV.) 'bestowing vigour'. On the other hand, by the loss of final -J or -i a few consonant stems are trans- formed to a-stems; thus beside dn-agas- 'guiltless' appears dn-aga-, and beside puru-ddmsas- 'abounding in wondrous deeds', puru-ddmsa-; urv-asthmd- (VS.)*, n. du. 'thigh and knee', beside asthi-vdnt- m. du. 'knees ('bony'); ubhayd-da-^ (AV.) 'having teeth in both (jaws)', beside ubhayd-dat-.

255. Vowel gradation in final member. — a. i. The low grade vowel of the roots da- 'give' and da- 'cut' disappears when the past parti- ciples *dita- 'given' '° and dita- 'cut' and the action noun "^diti- 'giving' become unaccented final members in a compound: thus dva-tta- (y?,.) 'cut off', devd-tta- 'given by the gods', vy-d-tfa- (AV. VS.) 'opened', /aVr-Z/a- (VS.) 'given up'", d-prati-tta- (AV.) 'not given back'; bhdga-tti- 'gift of fortune', maghd-tti- 'giving of presents', vdsu-tti- 'granting of wealth'". Unreduced forms, how- ever, occur in tvd-data- and tvd-datta- 'given by thee' and in havyd-dati-

'sacrificial gift"^.

2. The vowels T and u in the radical syllable of the final member is in a few instances reduced to i and u; thus try-udhdn- 'having three udders' {fldhan- dhi-ju- 'inspiring the mind' {ju- 'impel'), su-sird- 'having a good channel', 'hollow' (sira- 'stream'), su-suii- 'easy birth' {su-ti- TB.), a-hutt- m- vocation' (otherwise sd-huti- 'joint invocation', etc.). Derivative -i is reduced to -i in d-ni-bhrsta-tavid- 'having unabated power' (tdvh-i^

1 The determinative indra-dhanus- 'Indra's bow', occurs in the AV.

2 The AV. however has /;>-/,4«-A>(ZJ- 'broad- headed'.

3 From asthan- (beside asthi-, AV.) occur both an-as(Mn- and an-astha- 'boneless'.

4 Other reduced stems are sa-gdhi- (VS.) 'joint meal' f:Mghas-), nUa- 'nest' (niArysad-). ■upa-bd-i- 'noise' {upa^pad-) a-sk-ra- 'united ([/sac-); perhaps pan-msd- 'best part of

(dmia- 'part'). _ . ,A■I7•^

5 Also in the derivative ivacas-ya- (AV.j

'being in the skin'.

6 Under the influence of this new stem is formed su-prajas-tva- 'possession of good offspring' (for *su-praja-tva-). _

7 In K. ida-prajas- (IS. 3, 463) with the a of idd- unshortened.

8 Formed by dropping the -t of the weak stem a}thT-vdt-.

9 Formed by dropping the -t of the weak stem -dat-.

10 This phonetic form has otherwise been ousted by the anomalous participle dat-td- made from the weak present stem dad:

11 The participle prd-tla- 'given up' also occurs in TS. II. 2. 8* (B).

12 pra-tti- 'gift' also occurs in TS. v. 4. 72 (B) and nir-dva-tti 'distribution of shares'

in K. , . •,.

13 The a of soman- 'chant is perhaps reduced to^'i>i, /-^-sama- (TS.), and /-d-sama-; cp. Wackernagel 2', 43 f., note.