Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/192

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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. tiryáň (AV.), dadhyán¹, nyàn, párāň (AV.), pratyánª, práň, visvan, sadhryàn (AV.), su-prán. n. Nearly all the following forms are used adverbially: akudhryak, adharák (AV.), ápāk, árvāk and arvák (AV.), asmadryàk, údak, tiryák (AV.), nyak, párāk (AV.), pratyák, prák, madryàk, visvak, visvadryak, sadhryàk, samyák ³. A. m. adharáñcam (AV.), anváñcam (AV.), ápāñcam (AV.), arváñcam, údañcam, tiryáñcam (VS. x. 8), nyàñcam, párāñcam (AV.), pratyáñcam, práñcam, madryàñcam, visvañcam, samyáñcam, sváñcam. I. m. arvácā. - n. devadrica, satráca; used adverbially with shifted accent: tiraścá, nīcá, prācáª. D. m. dadhice, śviticé. Ab. m. praticás. G. m. dadhīcás, visvácas 5. L. m. práci. Du. N. A. m. ápāñcau (AV.), arváncă and arváñcau (AV.), vişvancau (AV.), sadhryàñcā, samyáñcā and samyáñcau (AV. VS.). - n. pratici, samīci (VS. 1. 31, TS. IV. I. 32). L. m. vísucos. Pl. N. m. adharañcas (AV.), ápañcas (AV.), arváñcas, asmatráñcas, asmadryancas, údañcas, rjváñcas, tiryáñcas (AV.), párañcas, pratyáñcas, práñcas, visvañcas, svityáñcas 7, sadhryàñcas, samyáñcas, sváñcas. 182 11 - A. m. adharácas, anucás and anúcas (AV.), ápācas, arvácas, ávācas, údīcas, nicas (AV.), párācas, praticás and pratícas (AV.), prácas, vísūcas, satrácas. 300. Radical stem in -ch. — Only one stem ending in ch, which occurs in a single form as a noun, has been found. This is made from the root prcch-. 'ask', in the compound N. du. m. bandhu-pŕcch-a 'asking after kinsmen'. The D. and A. of the same stem also appear as infinitives in the forms prcché 'to ask', sam-pŕcche 'to greet'; vi-prccham and sam-pŕccham to ask'. 301. Stems in radical j. - These stems are inflected in all three genders alike. The neuter would of course differ in N. A. V. dual and plural, but these forms do not occur. When uncompounded these stems are f. substantives except yúj- and ráj-, which appear as m. also; bhráj-, which occurs as a m. adj. as well as a f. substantive; áj-, which is found once (AV.) 8, and vij- twice as a m. only. Neuter cases occur from bháj-, yúj-, ráj- and vrj- as final members of adj. compounds, but no distinctively neuter forms (N. A.V. du. pl.) are met with even here. The only stem showing traces of the distinction of strong and weak cases is yúj-, which has the nasalized form yinj- beside the unaltered stem in the N. A. sing. and du. In the N. sing. the , when derived from a guttural, appears as k, but when it represents an old palatal, it becomes the cerebral ț except in ytv-ij⁹ 'priest'; but before the su of the L. pl. both alike to become k. IO 1 On the doubling of the è before vowels, | 6 The weak form arvácas seems to be see LANMAN 456. used for arváñcas in VII. 48¹. 2 pratyánk- before s- in TS. 1. 8. 211. 7 A transition form, N. m. śviticáyas (x.467) Svityáncas, is made from an i stem śvitīci- based on the regular f. śviticí-. 3 The forms tvadrík, madrík and madryadrík, yuvadrik, 'towards thee, me, you', are doubtless shortened forms of -dryák, which pronunciation is favoured by the metre in some instances: LANMAN 456 (bottom). 8 In AV. XIX. 505, where the reading ájam is somewhat doubtful; see WHITNEY'S note. 4 pracá is probably used adverbially in III. 315 also. As an adj. the form, being a compound, would be accented prácā. 5 N. of a demon, formed with -añc, from vişva-, an extension of visu-, as in viṣva-dryàñc-. 9 Which is derived from yaj- "sacrifice': rtu-ij- 'sacrificing in due season'. 10 See above 34, I.