Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/351

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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. 341 d. There are a number of irregularities chiefly in the direction of shortening the root in weak forms. 1. Roots ending in à drop their vowel before terminations beginning with vowels : e. g. Vmā: mim-e, 3. pl. mím-ate. Vdā- and Vdha-, the two commonest verbs in this class, drop the à in all weak forms. 2. The root vyac takes Samprasāraṇa; e. g. 3. du. viviktás; analogously hvar- 'be crooked', makes some forms with Samprasāraṇa, when it reduplicates with u; e. g. juhurthās, 2. sing. mid. injunctive. 3. The verbs bhas- 'chew', sac- 'accompany', has- laugh', syncopate the radical vowel; thus babhas-at, 3. sing. subj., but bóps-ati, 3. pl. ind.; sáśc-ati, 3. pl. ind. pres., saśc-ata, 3. pl. inj.; jáks-at-, pres. part. 4. The à of sa- 'sharpen', mā- 'measure', mā- 'bellow', rā- 'give', ha- 'go away' (mid.), and (in AV.) hã- leave' (act.) ³, is usually changed to before consonants; e. g. si amási, mimīte, rarithās³, jihīte, jahīta (AV.); while the roots da- 'give' and dhā- 'put' dr op their vowel even here 4; e. g. dád-mahe, dadh-mási. 5. The initial of ci- 'observe' reverts to the original guttural throughout; e. g. cikéşi (AV.). 6. When the aspiration of dadh-, the weak base of dha-, is lost before t, th, s, or dhu, it is thrown back on the initial; c. g. dhat-sva. 7. The roots dī- ‘shine', dhì- ‘think', pī- 'swell', reduplicate with 7; e. g. ádidet; ádidhet; ápīpet. 8. There are a number of transfers from this to other classes. Thus caks- 'see', originally a syncopated reduplicative base (= *cakās-), has become a root inflected according to the root class; jakṣ- 'eat', also originally a reduplicated base (jagħas-), has become a root from which is formed the past passive participle jag-dhá-, and which in the later language is inflected both in the root class and the class. The weak bases dad- and dadh- show an incipient tendency to become roots 5, from which a number of transfer forms according to the a- conjugation are made, such as 3. sing. mid. dada-te, 3. pl. ind. act. dádhanti, 3. pl. impv. act. dadha-ntu, 3. sing. mid. dadha-te, 2. du. dadhethe (AV.). The roots pā- 'drink', sthā-, han-, form only transfer stems according to the a- class: piba-, tiştha-, jighna-; while ghrā-, mā- ‘bellow', rā-, bhas-, sac make occasional forms from transfer stems according to the a- class: jighra-, mima-, rára-, bápsa-, sáśca-. - - —— - Inflexion. 458. The forms actually occurring would, if made from bhr- 'bear', be the following: Active. Sing. I. bibharmi. 2. bíbharşi. 3. bíbharti. - Du. 2. bibhṛthás. 3. bibhṛtás. - Pl. 1. bibhṛmási and bibhṛmás. 2. bibhṛthá. 3. bibhrati. Middle. Sing. 1. bibhré. 2. bibhṛṣé. 3. bibhṛté. Du. 1. bibhrvahe. 2. bibhráthe. 3. bibhráte. Pl. 1. bibhrmahe. 2. bibhṛdhve. 3. bibhrate. The forms which actually occur are the following: - — Present Indicative. Active. Sing. I. íyarmi, jáhāmi, jígħarmi, juhómi, dádāmi, dádhāmi, piparmi (fill', AV.), bíbharmi, vivakmi (Vvac-), śiśāmi. 2. iyárşi, cikéşí (AV.), jáhāsi (AV.), jigāsi, dádāsi, dádhāsi, píparsi, bibharşi, mamatsi, vavákṣi (√vaš-), viveksi 7 (vis- 'be active'), sisakşi (V sac-), sisarși³. 3. iyarti, jáhāti, jigāti, jigharti, juhóti, dádātiº, dádhāti, píparti 'fills' and 'passes', bábhasti (AV.), bíbharti and (once) bibhárti, mímāti 'bellows', mimeti (ma- 'bellow', SV.), yuyoti 'separates', vavarti (= vavart-ti, II. 386), vívakti, vivasti (√vas), viveşti (vis- be active'), sásasti (VS.) and sasásti (TS.VII.4.19¹), síşakti (√ sac-), sísarti. tº Du.2. dhatthás, ninīthás, pipṛthas, bibhṛthás.- 3. dattás (AV.), dádhātas ¹0 (AV.), bibhītás (AV.), bibhṛtás, mimītas, viviktás (√vyac-), vivistas. Pl. 1. juhūmási, dadmasi, dadhmási, bibhṛmási, śiśīmási; jahimas“ (AV.), juhumás, dadmas (AV.), dadhmas, bibhṛmas (AV.), vivişmas. 2. dhatthá, ¹ This of course does not take place in the 6 This is the accentuation in MAX MÜLLER'S transfer verbs according to the a- conjugation. and AUFRECHT's editions, both in Samhita and Padapatha. 2 In the RV. ha- 'leave', has only forms with ā (never 7). 7 Cp. NEISSER, BB. 30, 303. 3 But rarāsva (AV.). 8 With imperative sense. 9 Also the transfer form dádati. 4 The vowel of ha- 'leave' is also dropped in the 3. pl. opt. act. jahyur (AV.). 5 From the former is made the past passive participle dat-tá- 'given'. 10 With strong base, for dhattás. 11 With base weakened to jahi- for jahi-.