Page:Virgin martyr.pdf/7

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Come down,come down, Madam, he fays, Come down and kifs me fairly : I will not kifs thee, great Argyle, If ye thou'd not leave a ftanding ftone in Airley.

He has ta’en her by the middle fo fmall, Says, Lady, where is your drury ; It is up and down the bonny burn-fide, Among the plantings of Airley.

They fought it up, they fought it down, They fought it late and airly, And found it in the bonny balm-tree, That fhines on the bowling-green of Airley.

He has ta’en her by the left fhoulder, And O but fhe look’d weary. And laid her down cn the green bank, Till he plunder’d the benny houfe of Airley.

O ! if my good Lord was at home, As this night he is wi’ Charlie, Great Argyle and all his men Durfl not plunder the bonny houfe of Airley.