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’Tis ten bonny fons I have born, And th’ eleventh ne’er faw his daddie; And if I had a hundred more, I would give them all to Charlie.


As Nell fat underneath her cow, Upon a cock of hay, Brifk John was coming from' the plow, And chanc’d to pafs that way ; Like light’ning t* the maid he flew, And by the hand he feiz’d her: Pray John, fhe cry’d, be quiet, do; Anri frown’d becaufe he pleas’d her.

Young Cupid, from his mother^ knee, Obferv’d her female pride; Go on and profper, J hn fays he, And I will kc your guide. Then aim’d at Nelly's breaft a dart, From pride it i*»n releas’d her ; She fainting cry’d, I feel love's fmart, And figh'd becaufe it eas'd her.